Itunes-Based Music Server Suggestions

Posted by: edcrash1

Itunes-Based Music Server Suggestions - 01/25/10 04:26 PM

I would like some suggestions on an Itunes-based lossless music server solution/setup. I use Itunes (and more importantly, so does my wife); therefore, I want/need to base a music server on the Itunes interface so it feeds seemlessly (or relatively so) to Ipods as well as to my Outlaw 990 (and hopefully 997). I would like something that (i) has the capacity to hold about 1000 lossless songs (from Itunes--currently in MP3 format) plus about 500 to 1000 lossless CDs; (ii) uses a remote that can access itunes for everyday use; (iii) has audiophile interconnect availablity/options; and (iv) is not so everly jerry rigged that it cannot fit "neatly" into an audiophile array of components. Unfortunately, after researching the internet, most of the suggestions I see are (i) by non-audiophiles who are not overly concerned with lossless storage, sound quality, and interconnect options to stereophile equipment; or (ii) by people with "jerry rigged" systems with computers that are kept on all the time (which I understand is not good) and lousy or no remotes that rely on using the computer's monitor and keyboard for everyday running of the system. Any suggestions would be appreciated, even if pointing me to an appropriate article.

Thanks in advance, Ed.
Posted by: ndskurfer

Re: Itunes-Based Music Server Suggestions - 01/25/10 04:42 PM

Check out the Squeezebox. This is what I have been using, although I do not use itunes, but I do know that you can integrate it with itunes. My entire music collection is lossless and streams through the Squeezebox Classic. My problem is that I have to have my computer on when using it, which is a problem when my computer goes into sleep mode and I want to turn it on in the morning (computer is in basement, squeezebox is 1 floor up in living room.

Also, you can use an ipod touch or iphone as the remote via wifi ($10 app called ipeng).

edit: noticed you are trying to avoid keeping computer on at all time - you can get a ReadyNAS drive to store all of your music, no need for keeping computer on then.
Posted by: XenonMan

Re: Itunes-Based Music Server Suggestions - 01/25/10 04:47 PM

I use my iPod to feed my Onkyo through miniplug to RCA stereo input through a Dynex iPod dock. Its not fancy but it works pretty well and it was real cheap. It also has a remote which lets my Harmony control my iPod for basic stuff.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Itunes-Based Music Server Suggestions - 01/25/10 04:53 PM

Have you thought about the AppleTV? It's got an optical output, so you could tie it to the Model 990 and let it to the D/A conversion, and it will sync directly with iTunes. The hard drive will even store a lot of data locally in the device. It comes with a remote and gives you a video display on-screen for navigation.
Posted by: edcrash1

Re: Itunes-Based Music Server Suggestions - 01/25/10 05:31 PM

Gonk, I thought the AppleTV has storage limitations and thus it creates issue of only being able to have part of a large Itunes lossless library available at any one time.

Also, what are your views on the differences (good and bad) between the AppleTV and the Squeezebox as suggested by NDSKURFER.

EDIT: Also, what about the AppleTV's DAC? Is it good or would you want a better one for lossless audio feeding to a 990?
Posted by: gonk

Re: Itunes-Based Music Server Suggestions - 01/25/10 06:18 PM

Originally Posted By: edcrash1
Gonk, I thought the AppleTV has storage limitations and thus it creates issue of only being able to have part of a large Itunes lossless library available at any one time.

Also, what are your views on the differences (good and bad) between the AppleTV and the Squeezebox as suggested by NDSKURFER.

They now only offer the AppleTV with a 160GB hard drive - that adds up to a lot of storage space - but it can also stream directly from a computer running iTunes without having to store the files locally.

The Squeezebox is a good option for a music-only device. The original product was a dominant presence in the market for a long time. Logitech has changed the product line a lot recently (more than I had realized until just this moment, actually) and the old Squeezebox is apparently gone. The Duet is $400 (compared to $230 for the AppleTV). I don't know what the Touch costs. You could probably find a used Squeezebox (the old style) for less than an AppleTV.
Originally Posted By: edcrash1
EDIT: Also, what about the AppleTV's DAC? Is it good or would you want a better one for lossless audio feeding to a 990?

When you connect the optical output to the 990, the DAC is irrelevant. It's simply providing a digital output.