Oppo 981 cable set-up to 990/display

Posted by: tkolody

Oppo 981 cable set-up to 990/display - 02/23/07 09:26 AM

What are you guys doing? Oppo HDMI video direct to display and Oppo audio direct to 990? OR Oppo 981 HDMI to DVI to 990 and Oppo audio to 990?

What seems to work best?

Posted by: gonk

Re: Oppo 981 cable set-up to 990/display - 02/23/07 09:50 AM

I've got an HDMI-to-DVI cable from 981HD to 990 and DVI from there to the TV - that should yield exactly the same results as going straight to the TV. If you think you'll be hooking up a second DVI or HDMI source, I'd suggest going through the 990 now so you're ready to use the switching later. Otherwise, it's "six and a half" as our plumbing designer would say ("six of one, half a dozen of the other" for those who need a translation from plumber speak).