vinyl to cd

Posted by: threers

vinyl to cd - 07/12/04 01:30 PM

My wife totalled her van and the tape deck with it. It is amazing that a mere dent (from a light post that was invisible to her due to the fact that I neglected to replace a broken rear view mirror and thus am partly to be blamed for the accident) in a rear door and bumper would total a minivan that only has 70k miles even if it is 10 model years old. Anyway, we now need to make cd's rather than tapes of out-of-print LP's. Since, it's being played in a car, the audio quality only need to be as good as a car sound system -- it will be a "premium" system but not a fancy "aftermarket" job.

What is the best approach for this?
Posted by: jmartin

Re: vinyl to cd - 07/12/04 02:31 PM

I use a Denon CDR 1500 to make copies from LP's and the occasional tape. You may be able to find a CD copier able to inface with your reciever/processor that is on sale on the internet. I got this unit marked down from $600 to $249 at Good Guys because it has been discontinued.

I don't know how to interface a Phonograph to a computer w/o an independant phono preamp, but some soundcards can take analog tape RCA inputs and copy the sound onto your hard drive- to make a CDR. This is very "low fi"
Posted by: jmartin

Re: vinyl to cd - 07/12/04 02:33 PM

I use a Denon CDR 1500 to make copies from LP's and the occasional tape. You may be able to find a CD copier able to interface with your reciever/processor that is on sale on the internet. I got this unit marked down from $600 to $249 at Good Guys because it has been discontinued. It makes wonderful copies!

I don't know how to interface a Phonograph to a computer w/o an independent phono preamp, but some soundcards can take analog tape RCA inputs and copy the sound onto your hard drive- to make a CDR. This is very "low fi"
Posted by: CBWills

Re: vinyl to cd - 07/12/04 02:54 PM

Go to Froogle on the Google web page and type in "phono, usb".
You'll get links to many items that allow you to plug a turntable into your computer to record LP's or whatever you want to dub.
I haven't done it, but that's where I would
start looking.

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