first post!

Posted by: durtydawg

first post! - 01/22/04 08:53 PM

hi there, boys and girls.

ya gotta start somewhere, so here it is!

i recently purchased a 950 and 770, though i'm only using five channels of it for now.

very happy with it so far. i'm driving four mythos 2's and a mythos 3 with them, augmented by a sunfire true sub sig. it looks like i'll have to refasten the walls in my living room soon!!

anyway, hello and thanks, and i look forward to the brawls to come!!
Posted by: Alejate

Re: first post! - 01/23/04 01:01 AM

Welcome! You have not only purchased a great combo, but have entered into a unique forum. I have never seen a company support such a diverse forum about its products and seldom gets involved in any of the threads. Now that you have made your purchase you will find this forum very informative as you experiment with your gear. Have fun and let us know how your system is doing.
Posted by: durtydawg

Re: first post! - 01/23/04 07:37 AM

thanks for the welcome!

i've already learned a thing or two- like i had my rears in the wrong output jacks. LoL!

other than that the system is working great. plaster is falling off the walls, the bookcase tipped over, and everything in the curio cabinet is re-arranged! so far so good!!