The Scientist's and Engineer's Guide to DSP (text)

Posted by: old_school_2

The Scientist's and Engineer's Guide to DSP (text) - 04/30/12 09:00 AM

I wasn't exactly sure which forum to use to post this (I thought about the "Badlands" but this seems too related to audio), so I'll just post this here.

I'm not really sure how many of us Outlaw fans are Scientists or Engineers, but those of us who are and who have an interest in DSP should check out the textbook mentioned in the title of this thread (written by Steven W. Smith, Ph. D). You can actually peruse the book on-line, download bits in Adobe, or even order the text proper.

Anyway, I love this text because it's so incredibly well-written, is not heavy on the math, and clealry explains a lot of topics related to DSP that find their way into the products we use every day (especially things like preamp / processors).

So here's the link...and if you're even mildly curious about DSP, I'm pretty sure you will find this text very interesting - and very, very readable:

