So, I'm debating whether my next eventual upgrade move from my 1070 should be to a newer HDMI-capable receiver with decent room correction *or* going towards separates.

At this point I'm considering the Anthem MRX-300, which is in the $1000 range and has Anthem's well reviewed ARC technology for room correction. The receiver's amps are roughly comparable to the 1070's amps, which is suitable for my speakers.

On the separates front, I'd be looking at the upcoming Outlaw 975 paired with the 7075 amp assuming the pair can be had in the $1300-ish price range. I'm not clear on whether or not this processor would have room correction or not.

Is there any way to tell if I would benefit from room correction? For instance, are there test tones that I could use in conjunction with an SPL meter that would indicate sonic holes/dips etc. that if corrected, would result in generally accepted better sound? My setup is in a 12'x10' area of a finished basement open on the back and on one side, drywall walls and ceiling, carpeted floors total area is approx. 30'x25'.

Any thoughts?
