I was over at AVS the other day and saw a new post. This guy was a newbe and said he had $1500 to spend on new gear. He said he wanted to do a 5.1 system and power 2 speakers in a separate room. I recommended the 950/7100 and told him how satisfied I was with mine. I was shocked at the several post that followed. I was told I was trying to push him to buy Outlaw just because I own it, when he could do so much better with a new Receiver and used amp. I started looking around and this seems to be the new “thing to do”. No one even recommends Pre/Pro’s anymore? For that matter they don’t even recommend Receivers by themselves anymore. It’s all the same in every thread. Receiver with a separate power amp is the way to go. Am I the only one seeing this? I’ll be the first to admit today's receivers have came a long way and usually get the newest features first but I still don’t believe even with a separate amp that they compare to a dedicated Pre/Pro for sound quality. Not to my ears anyway. Anyone else have any thoughts?
