I dug up these pictures from 1994 when I was recording sound effects for the film "True Lies" - I was using an 8 track ADAT digital recorder to record the sound of howitzers, explosives, and an actual "war game" at 29 Palms Marine Base in CA. I also got to record the sound of Harrier Jets at Yuma Marine Corps Air Station. In one sequence, I had 6 microphones arrayed on oppisite sides of the landing strip. The Harrier jets did some vertical takeoffs and landings in the middle of the microphone field. Needless to say, it sounded awsome. Unfortunately, the director of the film (James Cameron) thought the actual sound of Harrier jets "sounded like a huge vacuum cleaner!". So, the "Harrier" jet sound that you hear in the film is a composite of other fighter jets and an airliner! Hollywood realism...

This is soundhound recording the sound of a Howitzer on an 8 channel digital recorder. The mixer is a modified Mackie.

The Marines let me shoot their Howitzer!!! Great fun!! Note the microphone in the field behind my back.

This is me being presented the "firing primer" from the Howitzer.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited April 09, 2003).]