My neighbor came home to his house on fire yesterday. He was a little stunned to come driving up the street to find 5 fire trucks in front of his home. One of his two dogs was thrown into my house during the bedlam,,,it was sleeting heavily outside. His wife (who was home and brought the dogs out) and himself were standing in my Living Room, while the Firemen were still working on putting the fire out in his Master Bedroom. My husband said I hope you had no irreplaceable momentoes that were kept in the master. He looked at his wife and said “What about my guitar”, Looked back at us and said “I had a custom guitar, worth about 10K in my bedroom” and he looked devastated.

I looked at the wife and said “run next door and ask the firemen to throw the guitar out, if they have can, if its wet but did not burn we dry it now and attempt to minimize the damage.” (the blaze was already out …the Fireman were still in the process of wetting down). She came back a second later with the custom snake/eel? skin case, it was black covered with ashes and dripping water. The skin on the case curled back by fire and blackened. We threw towels on the floor and opened it.

The guitar was dry! the water had not had time to seep past the peeled skin and base constuction and the liner yet, it was just starting too.(the cutouts in the soundboard radiate a smell of woodsmoke from its interior but that is all we could find amiss). The guitar itself was unharmed. I was so proud of myself for thinking of ‘trying’ to save it’ as the homeowners in question were understandably a little distracted. And the fireman were still adding more water to the smoldering piles in the room, through the windows and from inside, were carrying piles of bedroom belongings out to the yard and dousing them more with the firehose.

“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music”.
Sergei Rachmaninoff

I love music and all that creates it…am so happy this instrument is not lost.

We had a blast using Dallas/Ft Worth’s version of ‘winterwonderland’, a 2 “ sheet of ice from heavy sleet, and I went sledding down ‘Flag Pole Hill’ till 1:30am in the morning last night. In Central Texas, - you take it (sledding weather) when you can very rarely get it. Iced in today. What a night!.

I doubt UPS is going to show up with my new amp and interconnects from Outlaw today!