Crossover point for LCR's

Posted by: vangor

Crossover point for LCR's - 12/16/09 04:18 AM

Which crossover point is everyone using for there Outlaw LCR's? I know the manual says to set the crossover point at 80Hz but I was reading the Outlaw manual on the Onkyo 886 and they mentioned setting crossover points 10-15Hz above the frequency response in the specs of the speaker you are using. I know the Outlaw LCR specs go down to 75Hz but I'm just curious what others are using and what seems to sound best. Thanks
Posted by: vangor

Re: Crossover point for LCR's - 12/16/09 04:23 AM

I forgot to mention one thing. When I run Audyssey on my Onkyo 805, it sets my center at 70Hz and my left and right LCR at 80hz. It puts my three front speakers at -12, rears at -9, and subs at -15 in the calibration. I have my LFM-Plus's(2) set to 3 on the back of the subs. When I play a movie the bass is way too boomy. It overpowers the movie and just doesn't sound good. So as of right now I have to run Audyssey off, all speakers at 0 and subs at -10. That sounds pretty decent.
Posted by: Kubrickfan

Re: Crossover point for LCR's - 12/22/09 11:51 PM

I set my LCR's crossover at 80Hz. The calibration setting has so much to do with your own setup distance, room acoustics, etc. that you need a meter to set them properly. What I set my speaker's calibration at has no correlation with what your room acoustics and more important your speaker distances requires. My own settings have the FL & FR (vertical) at +7 and the center (horizontal) at +4. These three are all about 20 feet away from my listening chair. My side surrounds are much closer, just behind and above my listening spot. These are usually set at -2 for music and +3 for movies. I would be surprised that all your speakers should be set the same unless you have all your LCRs the same distance from your listening area (not typical). I believe sub setting are so much a personal preference. I tune my sub below "boom" but as close as possible. My sub happens to have it's volume at 2.5 and I set my calibration at +2. Outside of using Audyssey, you really need a Radio Shack meter to set your speakers calibration. I hope this helps some.
Posted by: vangor

Re: Crossover point for LCR's - 12/23/09 03:47 AM

Thanks Kubrickfan. Your right, I need to get a meter from radio shack and set up my speakers the right way. I can't get audyssey to work correctly. So your running three lcr's horizontal? Do you have all three set to center or L/R? My room is 20'x30' with 8' celings. The room is open with 4 posts spaced evenly supporting the ceiling. I use 12'x20' for my theater so three sides are walls and the four side is open. The remaining 18'x20' is office space. The floors are stained concrete with a couple rugs thrown down... one of those on the theater side. Maybe thats why Audyssey isn't working correctly. Not sure.
Posted by: Kubrickfan

Re: Crossover point for LCR's - 12/23/09 11:59 PM

Thanks vangor for pointing out my typo because the FR & FL are actually vertical and I have edited my post above. I was highlighting their alignment to indicate why the FR & FL have a 3db difference in calibration from the center. The rear switches are set for the fronts at "L/R" and "Center" for the horizontal center speaker. These switch settings also create the calibration difference I believe. Since I'm correcting myself...I also verified my LCRs now have their crossover set at 60Hz instead of 80Hz. I must have changed them recently in one of those "fine tuning nights of music". I can't help with your Audyssey problems but my understanding was that a difficult acoustic situation was where Audyssey helped the most. I can tell you that proper calibration is very critical and makes the entire system shine by having all the speakers create a cohesive sound stage. Any stronger or weaker speaker setting throws the balance to one spot. How long have you had the LCRs? Curious on your thoughts once they are burned in and calibrated.
Posted by: vangor

Re: Crossover point for LCR's - 12/24/09 08:25 PM

I have had my LCR's for about a month now. I am extremely impressed with the accuracy of these speakers. They will replicate whatever source you want at whatever volume you want. I am running them off of an Outlaw 7500 amp and using a Onkyo 805 receiver as a pre/pro. I also got two LFM-1 Plus's when I ordered my speakers. They create so much bass that I have to set them on about 2 1/2 on the back of the sub and -11 on my onkyo receiver for the level calibration. I am still working on making adjustments as we speak. I want to eventually get a dedicated pre/pro because my receiver doesn't have a 12v trigger to turn on the amp. So, I'll probably end up getting the 997 but not sure if my system is going to sound any better. Only time will tell.