Speaker Suggestion

Posted by: ziedan

Speaker Suggestion - 08/21/08 08:39 PM


Speaker suggestions? I’m looking to make a couple of changes with my speaker setup and would like your opinion. I’m contemplating going from my current bi-polar Definitive BP2002’s to more conventional forward projecting speakers such as the Paradigm Monitor Series 9 or Studio 40 or 60. What differences should I expect to hear making this switch? I guess I’d say I’m kind of accustom to the bi-polar style speaker and its installed sub-woofer. But since I recently purchased the LFM-1 compact sub-woofer, I figure I really don’t need a sub in my two main fronts, correct? Seems overkill. I have listened to the paradigms mentioned at the local dealer and was VERY impressed with them.

Also, I plan to replace the Bose 201 I use as my surrounds with the Paradigm Atom Monitors. The Monitors are not that expensive and I think would do well as a surround. Any thoughts on these changes?
Posted by: gonk

Re: Speaker Suggestion - 08/22/08 01:31 PM

I think you're already heading in the right direction: audition the speakers you are considering. I compared the DefTech speakers to Paradigm Studios at one time (using a DefTech model that didn't include the powered sub), and switched back and forth at a dealer show room while listening to some of my own music. In the end, I preferred the sound of the Paradigms. To some degree, speaker selection involves some personal taste - especially when comparing different design approaches such as direct-radiating, bipole, or electrostatic - so the best thing to do is compare using your own ears.

With a sub, the Studio 40's ought to be able to serve you very well, but you'll need stands for them whereas the 60's or the Monitor 9's are "self supporting". As for your surrounds, the Atom should be a capable little speaker.
Posted by: ziedan

Re: Speaker Suggestion - 08/26/08 12:40 PM

Hey thanks for that gonk. I purchased the Paradigm Atom's last Saturday and they absolutely were an improvement over the cheesy Bose 2 speakers. I’m in the process of selling “stuff” around the house on EBay to gain a few extra bucks to put towards some Paradigm Studio 40’s or 60’s, or Monitor 9 or 11, just can’t decide which way to go. They all sound excellent. My room is not all that big, rectangle in shape and goes from an 8ft to a 16 ft ceiling. Once I get 12 gage speaker cable ran through the attic and down an outside wall (that’s gonna be fun!) for the Atoms, acquire the main fronts, then I’ll be ready to pursue a 50 inch HDTV and baby, I’ll be set! Thanks for your comment.