Noob: Going to Join the Family Help

Posted by: noosense00

Noob: Going to Join the Family Help - 12/09/06 01:07 PM

Hi everyone. Thinking about getting the 990/7125 very soon in the next week. I have a pair of PSB M2 monitor speakers. What does everyone think about this setup? Also thinking about the Emotiva LPA-1 & LMC-1 setup but I have not heard too much about it.

What do you guys recommend if the 990/7125 setup is not recommended. Any other outlaw setups? BTW...the setup will be in a Condo apartment building. Thanks again for your help.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Noob: Going to Join the Family Help - 12/09/06 04:18 PM

PSB is a good speaker brand, similar design methodology to brands like Paradigm and Axiom (both of which I own). The 990/7125 combo should be a very nice package for your needs. Do you plan to expand beyond two speakers (center, surrounds, sub...)? The LPA-1 is reportedly a nice amp, too, although the LMC-1 has had an ongoing series of software problems that I do not believe have been resolved yet (and its inability to accept firmware updates without a return to the manufacturer makes those fixes pretty inconvenient).
Posted by: noosense00

Re: Noob: Going to Join the Family Help - 12/09/06 11:24 PM

Gonk, thanks for the reply. Since I will be moving into a Condo, i don't plan on expanding beyond 2 speakers right now. Maybe in 5 years when I buy a house.

Honestly, i was leaning towards the LMC-1 since pre-amps are changing everyday. Since the pre-amps are not future proof, i was thinking about getting the cheaper one for now, and getting something like the 990 after the HDMI formats settle down, but I am still leanings towards the Outlaw combo.