O.K., now that the idea of Magnepans is off the table I'm on to Axioms. I guess I'm just a sucker for direct purchases from the manufacturers(can't beat the customer service, just as nice as the Outlaws). I ordered and received (2 days later) a pair of Axiom M80ti speakers to audition at home for the next 30 days. Almost everything I read about these speakers has been very good and since the only way I can hear them for myself is to purchase them and try them at home(just like Outlaw), I pulled the trigger. I also decided to upgrade from the 7125 to the 7500 which should be arriving the middle of next week. My FedEx guy is going to shoot me when he gets done going to the chiropractor from lifting all these heavy packages.

Anyway, does anyone have any opinions on the Axioms? I got them hooked up today but haven't had a whole lot of time to listen to them yet. First impressions are favorable. They handle instrumentals really well from acoustic guitar to piano to trumpets to whatever. I'm not sure i like how they handle vocals to this point but like I said, I haven't had much time with them yet. I'm anxious to see how they perform with the 7500. Maybe there will be more in the midrange with more power. I figure if I like the M80ti's as the mains I can order the rest of the package. I didn't want to have to return the whole package if I didn't like them. That would probably really put the FedEx guy over the top.

I don't see much talk about Axioms anywhere but on their website from people who have purchased them although as I mentioned, I have read a lot of favorable reviews. Any thoughts from anyone here at the Saloon?