tempted by upgrade: 1070 to 970+7500?

Posted by: murdoch

tempted by upgrade: 1070 to 970+7500? - 06/30/09 02:23 AM

Yet another post in response to the Independence Day Sale and - "hey! Should I Upgrade?!" ... =)

I'm using an Outlaw 1070 to drive a 5.1 HT setup -- mains are Monitor Audio Silver RS8; center RSLCR; and surrounds RSFX.

I've been very happy with the Outlaw hardware, and based on some reading, I think that I want to go with separates.

With the Independence Day sale (+$99 for a 970 ... which qualifies you for -$200 from a 997 (when available)), I thought now might be the time to "pull the trigger".

So I was looking at the 970 ... but then I realized (and correct me if I'm wrong), the electronics are probably identical to the 1070.

That led me back to: if I want separates, for the sound quality, I might order a 7500 and use that with my existing 1070 ... skipping the 970 entirely!

Of course, that gets back to "in that case, this sale doesn't fit my interests ...", because it's really a sale on the 970 ...

Any thoughts? Is the upgrade (to separates) worth it? What about the upgrade from the 1070 to the 970? Have I missed out on some other combination?

Although the 7125 is more than enough power for my current room, I wouldn't mind having a little flexibility in the future. Shipping and "duty" (to Canada) are a nuisance, and so fewer transactions is generally better.

I do want to go with the 997 eventually for the HDMI switching and other upgraded electronics.

What would you do?

Posted by: kscharf

Re: tempted by upgrade: 1070 to 970+7500? - 06/30/09 12:10 PM

consider this....
Buy any Outlaw 7ch amp, and throw in the 970 for an additional $99. Buy one of the bigger amps and also get free shipping on the amp and the 970. Don't open the 970 box. Wait for the 997. Then sell the 970 as 'unopened never used' on ebay, audiogon, or videogon. You should get at least $300 for it. THEN by spending $99 you have earned about $400 off the price of the 977! (And you are all set with the 7 channel amp to go with it!). How can you lose?
Posted by: murdoch

Re: tempted by upgrade: 1070 to 970+7500? - 06/30/09 11:21 PM

Thanks - a darn good idea.

For that set-up (HT use mainly, mid-range Monitor Audio speakers), any broad guidelines on how diminishing the returns are going to be going from a 1070 to a 7125? Or 1070 to a 7500?

(The room is sufficiently small that I'm not going 7.1 which is why I'm thinking 7500).
