Issue w/ AppleTV on DVI#2

Posted by: TJPDenver

Issue w/ AppleTV on DVI#2 - 01/25/09 07:31 PM

I am a very happy newcomer to the forums and to Outlaw having just purchased a 970 refurb from the Outlaws via ebay.

I have an input issue I could use some wisdom on. I am running all video output via DVI to my iScan HD. My Dish DVR and Oppo 981 DVD each work just fine when run into either of the 970's DVI inputs (I use HDMI to DVI cables) - a great picture! When I hook up the AppleTV to either of the 970 DVI inputs I get nothing - no picture, just snow or blue screen. The AppleTV works just fine when run through the iScan directly.

Any thoughts and assistance is appreciated!
Posted by: tntarheel

Re: Issue w/ AppleTV on DVI#2 - 01/27/09 08:17 PM

oddly enough, i had a cable issue with the composite outputs. Nice expensive monster cable did not pass signal, but Comcast's provided cable did. If possible I'd try a different brand of cable just to check.