Toshiba AD1 and 970

Posted by: pellep2

Toshiba AD1 and 970 - 10/07/06 11:38 AM

Question- does using the "digital" setting on the bass management switch to overlay Plx11 7.1 over the 5.1 analog outputs add an additional DA conversion step, and will it affect TrueHD sound quality?

Is it better to stick with 5.1 and use "bypass"?

Posted by: gonk

Re: Toshiba AD1 and 970 - 10/07/06 12:53 PM

I don't believe that the 970 allows PLIIx processing of the multichannel analog input even in the digital bass management setting. It does add an A-D-A conversion, but what sonic impact it has I don't know (the 990's 7.1 Direct input is still extremely transparent even with that conversion, but it's also got beefier DAC's than the 970). The "bypass" or "HPF/LPF" settings would be the safest course, although you could easily do a little comparison listening to find which you prefer.
Posted by: pellep2

Re: Toshiba AD1 and 970 - 10/07/06 05:51 PM

I didn't think it could do 7.1 PLIIx over analog either, but it seems as though it can. As soon as you flip the switch, it opens up the option (and the speakers work) It also will enable crossover and level settings.

I wish it had level settings for each source- the Toshiba is a bear to get the LFE calibrated without all the other sources running very hot...
Posted by: gonk

Re: Toshiba AD1 and 970 - 10/07/06 07:10 PM

The only problem I'd see with applying PLIIx to the 7.1 analog input is knowing whether or not the surround back inputs are active. Some people with HD-DVD players have used splitters and piped the surrounds to both surround and surround back inputs - it's not PLIIx, but it brings the rear surrounds into the mix.

I remember hearing something about the Toshiba's sub being a bit low - you should be able to bump the Toshiba's sub output trim up by whatever it's out of whack and be fine, assuming you know how far off it is.