Test Tone Problems

Posted by: Videodrome

Test Tone Problems - 09/11/06 11:38 AM

Has anyone experienced drop out problems (i.e. no sound) on one or more channels of the test tone sweep when in calibration mode -- or worse -- terrible, loud feedback on one or more channels?

The first problem has happened to me one more than one occassion. It goes like this... You're listening to the white noice "hiss" make its way across your speakers, when mysteriously, one channel goes silent. Sometimes, it will pick back up again on the next sweep; othertimes I have to exit this set up mode to reset.

More disturbing, however, is what happended to me yesterday: I was recalibrating my system and when the usual, innocuous hiss was supposed to go the the right front speaker, when all of a sudden, a horrible, loud buzz blared out. By the time I could react, it was too late. The tweeter on my brand new speaker was smoked (literally).

This has happened before and, thankfully, did not destroy the tweeter on my previous speakers.

A new tweeter is on the way, but as you can imagine, I am fearful of my next foray into system calibration.

Anyone else had similar problem?
Posted by: gonk

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/11/06 11:43 AM

This is not an issue that I've seen reports of. Does it happen with one particular channel, or does it move around? In some ways, it sounds like a loose connection problem more than anything else, but it's peculiar enough that I'd probably give Outlaw a call and bring them into the loop on it.
Posted by: Videodrome

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/11/06 12:15 PM

Thanks for the reply Gonk.

It has happened on other channels as well.

About the only variables different in this case that may have resulted in the bad outcome were: (1) I was playing a CD while in set up mode; and (2) I increased the volume slightly higher than normal to overcome some ambient noise from upstairs.

But to your point, I will give Outlaw a call.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/11/06 12:34 PM

I've never run into problems with either my 990 or previous gear due to having something playing when using test tones, but I also have always switched to an inactive input before starting the test tones - which pretty much invalidates me as a source of input as far as that goes. smile

Are you using the test tones to verify that things are connected properly, or are you using it to calibrate your channel levels? If it's the former, your approach makes sense, but if you were using the tones to set channel levels you really need to set the master volume to 0dB (hence my preference for using inactive inputs) and do it when there's not excessive background noise that could mess up your meter readings.
Posted by: Videodrome

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/11/06 01:43 PM

I was doing the latter. But next time I will wait until my wife, the dog, etc. are out of the house!

Upon follow up with Outlaw, they suggested the problem was related to the infamous "no audio" issue. Though I did update the firmware in the May/June timeframe, they suggested I restore my factory defaults and try again.

I hope that takes care of any future problems.

BTW, on another topic, I just wanted to commned you on the service you're providing to members of this forum. I have been a lurker on these pages for several months but only registered today to post a thread on my recent 970 problem.

In that time, I have enjoyed reading your reviews of equipment, etc. on Prillaman.net. as well as your posts on this forum helping people with their HT problems.

Matter of fact, based on your Oppo review and my subsequent research of that unit, I plan to upgrade my DVD player next month.

Keep up the good work Gonk, it is much appreciated!
Posted by: gonk

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/11/06 02:30 PM

Glad to help, Videodrome - and glad to have you posting here.
Posted by: iardon

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/11/06 10:37 PM

Yes, I've experienced this and thought I was the only one. I guess not.

On a side note, the recent beta software has improved the "no sound" issue greatly for me and if you haven't installed it, you should give it a try. It might help with the test tone. Though my unit does lock up much more with the beta software.
Posted by: garcianc2003

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/15/06 09:08 AM

The loud screeching noise during the test sweep has happened to me only once. This was under the original factory firmware. I thought at the time that it was a problem with my wiring, which had issues at the time. I also had a case of ground loop at the time.
I have never had the "no sound" problem during the test tone and would find that extremely suspicious.
Posted by: Videodrome

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/15/06 11:55 AM

I installed the most recent firmware prior to the most recent problem; however, I am hoping by restoring the defaults (as Outlaw suggested) I will close the loop on this type of problem once and for all!
Posted by: john226

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/20/07 05:44 PM

I just had the same thing happen to me last night.....startling and scary. I am also having multiple no sound issues....only had my 970 for a few weeks. Have a call into support....may be sending it back even though it sounds great when it works right. I just seems very unstable to me, especially after suppossedly having the new firmware.
Posted by: Videodrome

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/20/07 08:00 PM

john: Just to be thorough, I wouldn't presume the unit came with the latest firmware. I would double check to make sure you have the right version. The problems you are experiencing relate to the infamous "no audio" bug.
Posted by: charlie

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/20/07 09:23 PM

Has anyone tried using the AVIA test disc?
Posted by: Audioholic

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/20/07 11:55 PM

My 970 did this recently and had I not been very near it to hit the off switch the noise would probably have blown the tweeters out of my Linn speakers. Not a pleasant experience.

I have the latest software revision installed but this is not the only problem I'm having. It seems it just doesn't like to function properly when first switched on and also just developed a channel output problem. My 970 is going back to Outlaw for repair so hopefully they can get it straightened out and reliable. I really like my 970 but if it was any more annoying to use it would be a Proceed.
Posted by: john226

Re: Test Tone Problems - 09/21/07 12:43 AM

Thanks videodrome.....that's excatly what I am doing.....I have a ticket in with support on the firmware confirmation right now.
