970 and Amplifier Question

Posted by: Drastlin

970 and Amplifier Question - 09/10/06 02:15 PM

My amplifier provides 200 watts rms to my front 3 channels. My front left and right are rated for 200 watts rms but my center is only rated for 175. I believe from what I have read is when the 970 is set to 0 DB it makes the amplifier push the whole 200 watts. My question is what should I set the levels on my center channel so when I hit the 0 DB level it wont mess my speaker up. Any info would be great! Thanks!
Posted by: gonk

Re: 970 and Amplifier Question - 09/10/06 03:05 PM

You will not damage your center at all. Even at 0dB on the volume dial, you are not likely to ever actually produce 200W into any of those three channels, and in fact the greatest potential for speaker damage comes from to little amplifier, since that offers the potential for clipping under extreme loads - and a clipping signal is more likely to damage drivers. Nothing to fear.