I had been using my 970 without a sub for a couple months and everything seemed to working great. I have now purchased a sub but I'm seeing extremely low levels on the sub output while in 7.1 bypass. Sub works normally using all other mode (DD, stereo etc). Using the test tones from my DVD (with 5.1 out) I hear almost no signal on the sub compared to the other channels. If I connect the sub out of my dvd to one of the unused inputs (SBL) and the sub to the SBL output of the 970, it seems to work fine. Has anyone seen this issue before? I originally thought is was my dvd player and had it sent in for service but they found no issue. I've now been able to verify the dvd is OK with more troubleshooting.
I could use the sub through one of the extra channels, but this would only work in 7.1 bypass and not for any of the other modes. I'll try and call Outlaw after thanksgiving, but I was hoping I might be able to get it working this weekend with someones help:)

Thanks in advance,