I have had my 970 for a little over a week and have the following issues:

1. The infamous "no sound" problem.

2. Front L and R channels reversed. Easy fix by plugging things in reverse but, c'mon guys! This is not doing much for my confidence.

3. Difficulty switching DVI inputs (usually ends up with no signal going to TV). Not user-friendly enough for wife and kids, so I am back to where I was with my Technics SH-AC500D which is no video switching and plugging things directly to the TV - not where I wanted to be after making an expensive "upgrade" decision.

4. This is a big "maybe" but my CARVER amps, Polk Audio speakers and Sunfire Sub have been around for many years and this is the first time I have had a ground loop issue. The day after the 970 joined the family, I noticed humm/hiss from all speakers (volume-independent). I have two separate amps by the way. I could not really isolate the problem to any one piece of equipment, but fingers are being pointed...

I just flashed the firmware. My L and R channels are still reversed (didn't think that would be software related). Hopefully the "no sound" incidents will be reduced or eliminated.

I should have saved my money (for a long time) and bought me the Sunfire pre/pro. I sold my Technics SH-AC500D to buy the Outlaw, so there's no going back. Well, I really do feel like I ran into an Outlaw...