Noxious Noise - Ouch!

Posted by: nortynorty

Noxious Noise - Ouch! - 08/11/08 11:15 PM

My son was watching a movie this afternoon when all of a sudden, the sound went off there was a high pitched noise and then a piercing sound. He shut the amp off turned it back on and got the same noise right away. Clearly not good...any ideas?
Posted by: Bob Becker

Re: Noxious Noise - Ouch! - 08/12/08 12:46 PM

Couple of questions.

Did you power the 1070 down, meaning pull the plug or use the button on the back to turn it off and back on?

Did you try a different source to see if the problem was the input from the DVD player or the 1070?

Did you turn the DVD player off and power up the 1070?
Posted by: gonk

Re: Noxious Noise - Ouch! - 08/12/08 03:50 PM

I like Bob's questions - started to ask last night if it was specific to a single source, but I think I got distracted by the family and never finished it. A complete power-down/un-plug is also a good idea, as might be a reset of the unit.
Posted by: nortynorty

Re: Noxious Noise - Ouch! - 08/13/08 12:16 AM

Thanks Bob and Gonk. It did happen with the DVD off. I figured when all else fails unplug. Did that and tested this evening and seems to have been resolved. Will try other inputs, but I think I'm okay, checked Video 1 and FM both worked fine. Wonder what happened and whether it will happen again. Hope not, but for now, I think I'm good. Thanks!
Posted by: RedSIinPA

Re: Noxious Noise - Ouch! - 10/06/08 03:18 PM

I've had this happen.

It definitely went away by just switching sources or powering down though. You pretty much described EXACTLY what's happened actually. It's an awful sound. It didn't sound damaging, but it's pretty "noxious".

Oh the joys of 1070 ownership...
Posted by: JHoff80

Re: Noxious Noise - Ouch! - 10/08/08 11:36 PM

I've had it happen as well, it always fixes just by cycling the unit into and out of standby.