Bass Management Question.

Posted by: John Galt

Bass Management Question. - 05/29/08 01:38 AM

Hey all,

Is there a bass management option to have the full range signal sent to FR and FL but have the derived bass signal from the center and surrounds sent to the sub? From reading the manual it seems like if the fronts are set to large they will always receive the derived bass signal. How low does the signal go for the 5 (of 5.1) normal speakers, can it really hit 20Hz or is anything below a certain level always contained in the .1 track?
Select LFE to send the special Low Frequency Effects channel information
on multichannel digital sources to the subwoofer while a full range front
channel signal will be sent to the front Left/Right speakers along with
the derived bass signal from the other speaker positions.
Selecting L/R+Sub tells your receiver that you want bass signals sent to
your main L and R speakers in addition to your subwoofer. Choose this
option only if your main L and R speakers have good bass handling capability.
It may be the best selection for medium-sized front speakers.
Select NONE to send all bass information, including both LFE and
derived bass to the front left/right speakers.
I currently have my fronts set to large and center/surrounds set to small with a x-over of 60Hz and the sub set to LFE. I prefer this to the fronts set to small and a crossover of either 40, 60, or 80Hz. My front speaker specs. are +-2dB at 35Hz and have a sensitivty of 95dB.

Posted by: John Galt

Re: Bass Management Question. - 06/01/08 12:27 AM

Hmmm...maybe my wording was a bit confusing.

Re-directed bass = RDB.
LFE (.1 channel) = LFE.

With fronts set to large:

"Sub = LFE" means LFE sent to sub, RDB sent to fronts.

"Sub = L/R+Sub" means LFE and RDB sent to both sub and fronts.

Is there any way to have the fronts set to large and have the LFE + RDB sent *only* to the sub?

Posted by: gonk

Re: Bass Management Question. - 06/01/08 06:40 PM

I started to reply to this the other day, but never quite finished the post (for what it's worth, I understood your question - it was clear to me, at least - but didn't have a good answer in hand). I haven't used the 1070 and don't recall previous discussions well enough to know quite how the logic works. I do recall some discussions at some point in which re-directed bass went to the sub if the sub was enabled, even if the mains were large. If that were the case for the 1070, I'd expect the "LFE" setting to send LFE and the RDB from small speakers to the sub. (The "L/R+Sub" scheme would then to all of that plus a copy of re-directed bass from the mains.) If nobody else around here has an actual answer for you (instead of my random theorizing), you might call Outlaw or contact them online to get the official word...
Posted by: Bob Becker

Re: Bass Management Question. - 06/04/08 11:56 AM

I certainly have less knowledge about this than Gonk, but I can give you some practical experience.

I use towers as mains and they are set to Large. My center and surrounds are set to Small. Speakers set to Large on the 1070 have no X-over. You cannot change the setting from None to anything else.

When I play stereo FM, TV, conventional CD, my sub does not wake up from sleep mode because the 1070 is not sending it any signal. Only when a 5.1 source comes on line does the sub wake up. I assume the bass from my mains does not become part of the LFE, and does not come back to the mains.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Bass Management Question. - 06/04/08 07:42 PM

That behavior sounds right on target, Bob.

Technically "LFE" refers only to the .1 channel of a multichannel track (the "subwoofer" channel). This data goes to the sub only, unless of course the sub is disabled in the receiver's setup - in which case the LFE channel goes to the mains (which must be set to large if there's no sub present) when there is an LFE channel.

John's question mainly relates to what happens to redirected bass (not LFE) from center and surroud speakers when there is both a subwoofer and large front speakers.
Posted by: John Galt

Re: Bass Management Question. - 06/05/08 01:35 AM

Thanks for the replies guys. I've opened a ticket with outlaw support to get the answer. Will update the thread here when I hear back.

Posted by: John Galt

Re: Bass Management Question. - 06/05/08 05:53 PM

Outlaw responded (I also had an additional question asking if any low-pass filter was applied to the sub output)
With the front left and right speakers set to 'Large' and the subwoofer set to 'LFE Only', the redirected bass from your other speakers set to 'Small' will go to the subwoofer only.

There is no low pass filtering/crossover setting on the subwoofer channel output.
So, this is as I would expect (and corresponds to the 990 bass management chart). The wording in the 1070 manual threw me off.

I was asking if there was a sub output crossover applied because my subwoofer doesn't have a way to disable the low-pass filter and the highest it will go is 150Hz. Setting it to 150Hz results in sound that's not quite right (to me), so I have it a bit lower and it sounds better. I was basically wondering if there was a more optimal way to set things up (i.e. if a filter was applied on the sub out at say 120Hz, I'd like to remove that filter and just have the built-in sub filter).

Posted by: gonk

Re: Bass Management Question. - 06/05/08 06:02 PM

Thanks for the follow-up, John