1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp

Posted by: Lizard King

1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/10/07 12:36 AM


I am writing to ask all of you if you have listened to the 1070 reciever and than used it as a preamp going to a multi channel amp such as Outlaw, Emotiva, Parasound, etc.

I find that when I use the 1070 to decode movies, the sound is lean and think compared to my modified Denon 3930CI DVD player in analog mode and I use Outlaw PCA IC's

In terms of Sound quality, how much better or worse wil the 1070 sound compared to a bigger, separate amp?

Looking forward to your opions.
Posted by: chas

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/13/07 06:20 PM

Are the Alon's hard to drive?
Posted by: Videodrome

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/13/07 06:31 PM


My set up touches on some of the things you're inquiring about: I'm using the 970 (which is basically the 1070 sans power) with 2 outboard amps: a McCormack for my mains and an Emotiva for my surrounds.

Unfortunately, I don't have the benefit of a direct comparison with the amp section of the 1070 versus those amps.
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/13/07 09:08 PM

My Alons have a sensitivity of 87 db. The 1070 can drive them and I have a powered sub. I feel using a dedicated amp with it's own power supply will be better , esp when playing signal with peaks and demands (movies).

VD, can you comment on this since you use a 970? Also, do you use the analog input with analog bass mgmt?
Posted by: Videodrome

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/14/07 08:29 PM


I'm pretty much a two channel purist and most of the time my system is on it's playing LPs or CDs (via my Squeezebox) in analog bypass mode. I use the analog HPF/LPF 80Hz crossover on the 970. Basically, I like to keep the signal path as simple as possible through the pre/ pro. I don't listen to SACDs. And I don't use any of the various "stereo" or surround modes for music. I don't even use the 970s internal DAC for digital (except for movies).

Those listening habits may make me somewhat unique compared to a lot of the other Outlaws, but it may help explain why I chose the amps that are in my system. First and foremost, I wanted an audiophile-type two channel amp for my mains. I won't bore you with a review of my McCormack, but suffice it to say it possesses everything I want sonically for 2 channel listening (in my price range).

Your Alons are not terribly inefficient, but there not terribly efficient either. If you're into playing movies and/or music loud and you have a large listening room, I could see how the 1070's 65 wpc may be a bit underpowered. By chance, have you heard the amp clipping at all?

If the 1070 is clipping when playing your Alons, you're running the risk of blowing a driver, or at least, are getting audible distortion which is not desirable. Apart from that, if you moved into a higher powered, dedicated amp you'd probably have better headroom than what you're getting with the 1070's amp section. That means big dynamic swings and low bass will be better executed.

One other consideration: does the 1070 have a sonic signature you like? If it does not, going with a different amp can help take your system in a different direction.

Lastly, I've been quite impressed with my Emotiva as a surround amp. It deintitley sounds better than the Frankenstein system I had before, which consisted of a single Adcom monoblock driving the center speaker and a Hafler 220 driving the surrounds. Those were both good amps in their day, but the Emotiva sounds better and you can't beat the price.
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/14/07 10:45 PM

Hey VD,

I am like you, an Audiophile. The 1070 does have a nice sound, worth od Audiophile status since I use Audiophile Alons and an Audiophile modiofied denon DVD player. I listen to music is stereo mode. I used the analog input in bypass mode which allows teh sub to be controled in analog mode.

i am thinking of getting a used amp and modified that. I am not clipping, I feel I need more power esp for movies. I use teh DVD playe to decode older movied with not much sound effects. The 1070 has better surround and really lets the sub go wild. My Mod Denon sounds much fuller when the voices are coming from the fronts than the 1070.
Posted by: Videodrome

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/15/07 02:42 PM

If you're looking at used, I suggest clicking on over to audiogon.com.
Posted by: Ranger1000

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/16/07 12:38 AM

I have the 1070 and use it in the bypass analog mode (toggle all the way up). I use the pre-outs for the front and center speakers to NAD C370 and NAD C270 amps. While the 1070 in bypass analog mode sounds pretty good for two channel listening and allows me to use a sub-woofer, I have found that it is does not sound quite as good as my 2 channel integrated amplifier (NAD C370). I also use a unity gain set-up with the NAD370 so that I can use it for two channel as well as to power my front speakers when using multi-channel. I have the Denon 3910 and I usually let it do the decoding as opposed to the 1070.
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/17/07 04:39 AM

Hey All,

I just pulled the trigger on a used Anthem MCA 5 Series II 5 channel amp.

This should be super to use with the 1070 as the preamp. Like Ranger1000 , I use the Denon DVD (Modified) in the analog mode with the sub (analog). The sound is nice yet I feel it will be better with a full power amp.

I was really tossed and turned about me getting an Outlaw or Anthem. I wanted to get the orginal Outlaw 750 yet I am getting this Black Anthem MCA 5 series II at I price that is too good to turn down. The amp has a auto-on feature that I should love.

Ranger, would you like your Denon 3910 to sing? If yes, go here: http://www.sacdmods.com/DVD3910.htm

Make sure you thank me should you get this done. Check out the 3930CI which this guy did for me!
Posted by: Ranger1000

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/18/07 09:52 PM

If you think you got a good bang for your buck with the 3930 mod, you would be amazed at what a decent seaparate pre-amp would do for you.

I noticed in your sig that you have the Harmony 880 and Belkin PF60, I have those as well and love them.
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: 1070 vs. power amp with 1070 as preamp - 11/19/07 02:01 AM

Hi ranger1000,

I am computer guy where the market is so bad. Companies will not hire and I can't find work unless I do temp work. Yes I, feel a good preamp will help and that is why I have a 1070 cause it can be used as a preamp, much like the 970.
The harmony 880 and Belkin PureaV PF60 are great!

You should get your Denon 3910 modified by SACDMods.com like my earlier post.