A lean sound as of late?

Posted by: Lizard King

A lean sound as of late? - 08/27/07 06:12 AM

Hello to you outlaws:

I have noticed that the system is sounding lean. This has been going on for about a week. Anyone else notice the sound going lean and not full? I feel the weather, the draw on the grid is causing this: The dogs days of August.

Anyone? I really want to hear from all of you!

Liz out!
Posted by: gonk

Re: A lean sound as of late? - 08/27/07 01:43 PM

Hadn't noticed that here, even though we've recently gone through a pretty long stretch of 105F days (which is about 7 or 8 degrees above typical outdoor design conditions for air conditioning in this area). On the other hand, we're in the TVA region and building practices have included a heavy HVAC emphasis for a long time, so our grid gets a bit less stressed by the extra cooling load.
Posted by: RedSIinPA

Re: A lean sound as of late? - 08/27/07 02:27 PM

I work for an ISO/RTO (PJM Interconnection).

The RTO load on the grid for the NE region is well below #'s I've seen or read about...Peak was around 2006 at alomst 150,000MW. We haven't cracked 130,000 more than once or twice this year I think.
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: A lean sound as of late? - 08/27/07 07:36 PM

I feel the leaness is coming from AC cycles. I checked with a guy I know and he agrees with me.

When using he 1070 to decode movies, the sound of the vocals and dialogue now using the digital coax out is unacceptable. Since i just had my vaunted Denon modified, I can use that now to decode movies and the sound of voices and dialogue is vastly superior now when it used to be inferior before the modification. The 1070 makes the special effects more dynamic.

When using music that I am intimately familair with, I am gettinmg a leaner sound and that has to be the AC causing this.
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: A lean sound as of late? - 08/27/07 09:42 PM

Already today as oif 5:41 EST, I have lost AC power twice. I am under the thought that the AC is was causing the lean sound.
Posted by: psyprof1

Re: A lean sound as of late? - 08/28/07 03:14 AM

No such problem out here in Santa Barbara, CA, but we haven't had hot weather either. The sound on "Being Julia" (via Pioneer DV-578 bottom-dollar universal player through Outlaw 990, 20-year-old Adcom GFA535, and Maggie MG16QR's, was excellent.
Posted by: Bob Becker

Re: A lean sound as of late? - 08/28/07 01:03 PM

Have you tried using a power conditioner or UPS to even out the power to your HT system?
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: A lean sound as of late? - 08/28/07 05:53 PM

Look at my system list and you will see I use a PF60 yet still, the sound is lean lately.
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: A lean sound as of late? - 08/28/07 09:53 PM

The sound is much better today! No doubt, the AC was the cause for the lean sound.

My modified Denon 3930CI is breaking in. The sound is a lot betttr that what I had even with the great unit. I can now use the denon to decode movies and the fronts sound much fuller that when I use the 1070. The voices sound much better and more natural. The 1070 gives the serious kick esp, when playing DTS movies.