Replacement for 1070 soon?

Posted by: USAudio

Replacement for 1070 soon? - 01/25/07 02:15 PM

The 1070 has been out for what, 2+yrs now? Does it still have plenty of life in it or is there a replacement model in the works for release soon? Anyone have any details on the timeline for it's replacement?
Posted by: RedSIinPA

Re: Replacement for 1070 soon? - 01/25/07 02:27 PM

let's not talk about this smile I just got mine in July! lol

I'm hearing around here it could be in the 12-18mo window, if my memory serves me correctly.
Posted by: JHoff80

Re: Replacement for 1070 soon? - 01/25/07 02:33 PM

I never thought about it, but I think you're right, I got the email to purchase my 1070 around the holidays, and then received it in January or February I believe. Wow, how fast time goes by sometimes.

Edit: Or maybe, now that I think about it, was it only a year ago?

Edit2: Checked my old emails, I ordered August 28, 2005. I believe I was in one of the first couple sets of orders. I'm positive though that it was a month or so later before I got it, because I was at college when I received it.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Replacement for 1070 soon? - 01/25/07 03:18 PM

The 1070 has been out for just over (or perhaps a little under) a year and a half. I'd expect it to be in production for at least another year, until they have time to develop an HDMI v1.3 successor. With the DVI switching, it still has a great deal of flexibility and should be an effective player in the receiver market for at least that long.