sub turns off

Posted by: mebryant

sub turns off - 01/07/07 10:21 PM

Any thoughts on why my sub cuts out after 15 minutes or so. I have tried various dolby choices, the end result is the same. I'm using an Orb sub with mod 2 speakers. It seems that I had this same situation when I had my Outlaw sub in the setup. If I switch the sub from "auto" to "on" sub stays on, so far. Thanks.
Posted by: gonk

Re: sub turns off - 01/07/07 11:22 PM

If the sub is shutting off while in "auto" mode, the best bet is to try turning down the trim on the sub amp itself and increasing the trim on the subwoofer channel in the 1070 - that will cause the signal coming from the 1070 to be at a higher level and thus less likely to let the auto-detection circuitry cut the sub amp off.
Posted by: mebryant

Re: sub turns off - 01/08/07 09:51 PM

Thanks. I'll give that a try.