HD Question

Posted by: snmhanson

HD Question - 09/25/06 11:22 AM

I am thinking about getting a 1070 but I have one main issue that is holding me back. From reading the manual it looks like that even though there are three component video inputs and two DVI inputs you can still only have three HD connection because the DVI and component connections are not assignable. It wasn't clear if the component inputs are assignable but I don't think they are because of how they're labeled on the back. From what I can gather, with the DVD and video 2 inputs you have a choice of DVI, component, s-video or composite, the video 1 connection gives you the choice of component, s-video or composite and with the video 3 and front inputs you only have the choice of s-video or composite. Am I correct on my understading? Although I currently only have two DVI(hdmi) devices and a PS2 which uses component hook-up I want to get a receiver that is capable of handling a few more as I am sure I will be getting additional HD components in the future. And on a somewhat related topic, I just want to make sure that the DVI inputs are capable of passing through 1080p video and will work with the new HD and Blue-Ray DVD players.

I am basically looking at the 1070 or a Pioneer VSX-1016TXV. I know the 1070 would blow the Pioneer away performance-wise but the only thing the Pioneer offers that is keeping it in the picture is assignable hdmi and component inputs. I know I could get a seperate video switcher but I would prefer to use the receiver as the audio and video switcher to keep things simple for the rest of the familty. I really want the 1070 but I don't want to be stuck with not enough input options in the future. Any advice or recommendations here? Thanks in advance for any help.

Posted by: brubacca

Re: HD Question - 09/25/06 03:46 PM

I have the 970 and feel your pain. I too wish that the inputs were assignable, but they aren't. My TV has 1 HDMI and 2 component Video hookups. Basically you will need to decide to use DVI or Component. I use a Toshiba HD-A1 and PC on the DVI inputs and have my DVD Player and HD Cable wired directly to the TV via component cables.

I can confirm that the DVI works for 1080i on HD-DVD, but my TV will not accept 1080p so I can't vouch for that.

What I did for family simplicity is get a Universal Remote. I use a Harmony and it is the best purchase ever. When my wife hits HD-DVD on the remote it sets the Outlaw to the correct channel and sets the TV on the HDMI input. For Cable it sets the outlaw to it's input and changes the TV to Component 2.

Hopefully the good folks at Outlaw are listening and will give us 5 HDMI inputs on the next generation product.

Good Luck,
Posted by: gonk

Re: HD Question - 09/25/06 04:06 PM

It should not be a problem for the Outlaw DVI switching to handle 1080p video (single-link DVI is all that's required for 1080p video bandwidth). I'll also second brubacca's thoughts on a good universal remote - either a Harmony or a Universal Remote of some sort are good options for simplifying life for the whole family.
Posted by: snmhanson

Re: HD Question - 09/27/06 06:55 PM

Thanks for the replies and suggestions. I ended up getting the Pioneer VSX-1016. I really wanted the Outlaw but the lack of assignable inputs was the deal breaker. I am sure I am sacraficing quality and performance for the extra one or two extra HD video through-puts but it was necessary. I am definately going to keep up on what Outlaw is offering and as soon as I can fit one of their products into my line-up I will go for it. Until then the Pioneer puts out an acceptable sound and has the features I need.

As far as remotes I have a Univeral MX-700 that all of the devices are programmed into. I can program macros into it as well but haven't messed with that yet. I have looked at the Harmony remotes but I am not sure how much I like them. I like to be able to tweak and customize the look and operations of the remotes and from what I can tell you basically end up with what their website gives you. Also, I am not clear as to whether you have complete control of individual components with the Harmony remotes or if everything works through their action commands. I should probably take a closer look at them though because there are alot of people who like them.

Thanks again.

Posted by: gonk

Re: HD Question - 09/27/06 07:08 PM

I went with an MX-700 specifically for the complete control that you mention, and it's been a great remote for me.
Posted by: snmhanson

Re: HD Question - 09/28/06 12:48 AM

Yeah, the MX-700 had been great for me as well. On a side note, I just realized that Outlaw's 990 pre-amp actually has assignable DVI and component inputs. And better yet, you can customize the names of the inputs as well. I never really looked into the 990 because it would have been too much for me once the amp was added but it is nice to know there is the option from Outlaw. Maybe someday I will upgrade to the 990 or maybe some of the 990 technology will make it's way into Outlaw's next receiver. In either case it would be the ideal solution for me. If my wife was more interested in quality HT equipment rather than not spending too much on it I would have one on order right.

Posted by: P Holland

Re: HD Question - 10/09/06 01:58 PM

Originally posted by snmhanson:
Thanks for the replies and suggestions. I ended up getting the Pioneer VSX-1016. I really wanted the Outlaw but the lack of assignable inputs was the deal breaker. I am sure I am sacraficing quality and performance for the extra one or two extra HD video through-puts but it was necessary. I am definately going to keep up on what Outlaw is offering and as soon as I can fit one of their products into my line-up I will go for it. Until then the Pioneer puts out an acceptable sound and has the features I need.
He'll be back. People. Do you really need more HD-V ins and outs?