1070 and speakers

Posted by: obrientwo

1070 and speakers - 09/10/06 01:44 PM

Getting ready to order a 1070 and am now looking at speakers. Have heard the 7006 bipolar speakers from Definitive Technology which sound very good. They have built in subs and I am more than a little confused regarding the bass management of the 1070. Comments re my speaker choice and the bass management would be appreciated. Joe
Posted by: gonk

Re: 1070 and speakers - 09/10/06 05:37 PM

The built-in subs are often hooked up to the subwoofer ourput of the receiver, at which point it's little different from any other system with a subwoofer - set the speakers to small, set the sub to on, and pick an appropriate crossover point. The only difference is that you have to use a splitter to divide the subwoofer output. You can also skip the subwoofer connection and just use the binding posts like a normal speaker, in which case you may want to run the mains as large. I'd hoped to find a user's guide or other info on DefTech's site, but came up dry - there's no good setup info and the specs aren't clear on where the speakers transition to the powered sub.
Posted by: obrientwo

Re: 1070 and speakers - 09/11/06 06:27 PM

Decided against the Definitive 7006's as it appears to have a bit less resolution than I remembered. Best speakers that I have heard are Vienna's but they are beyond my means. I did order my 1070 today. Any suggestions re speakers? Have 7 1/2 inches on either side of my Pioneer 1140 50 inch for speakers on top of my cabinet. Do not like large speakers as they take up too much real estate......WAF factor also.
Posted by: obrientwo

Re: 1070 and speakers - 09/13/06 08:13 PM

As a follow up to my original post, I decided on the Vienna Acoutics Hayden which is a bookshelf version of the big and expensive Viennas. From BB, I got 2 speakers and stands for under $1300.
Posted by: obrientwo

Re: 1070 and speakers - 09/25/06 10:42 AM

Gonk. Will be connecting my 5.1 system this week and very much looking forward to the results. I over researched everything and changed my mind several times but I have now purchased all the parts. Thanks again for all your help. I thought you might be curious as to what I ended up with:
Outlaw 1070
Oppo 971
Def Tech Mythos 6's for L/R
Def Tech Mythos 7 for center
Orb Audio Super 8 sub
Mirage ic6's for rear ceilings
Pioneer Elite 1140
Posted by: gonk

Re: 1070 and speakers - 09/25/06 11:17 AM

Sounds like you've got a fun week in store for you. Let us know how it turns out!