Wanting to know about the receiver

Posted by: Lizard King

Wanting to know about the receiver - 08/30/06 02:59 AM

Greetings to all. I am thinking (one day) about ordering this receiver to try out. In a samll room I wil try thye 1070 with Acend speakers, maybe a sub, my Ps2 and my PC thtough the sound card. I would hope to use a digital Cable HD box also into the 1070

Can you change radio stations from the remote?

What are you opinions about the sound quality? I consier Music to be the first love, Movies 2nd, PC then Ps2 last.

Posted by: gonk

Re: Wanting to know about the receiver - 08/30/06 07:34 AM

I don't have a 1070, so I won't comment on the sound quality (although I believe there are some other Ascend speaker users around here who may have some useful information). The Ascends in a small room ought to get plenty of power from the 1070, and you could easily connect all of the sources you mention (plus a few more) through the 1070. The remote does allow you to control the tuner - in fact, you can scroll through presets or directly type in a specific frequency in addition to scrolling up and down the dial. If you haven't done so already, you might want to download the manual from the 1070 product page and skim through it - Outlaw provides well-written manuals for their products.
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: Wanting to know about the receiver - 08/30/06 08:50 PM

Thanks for the reply.
Posted by: Laventura

Re: Wanting to know about the receiver - 08/31/06 10:07 AM

Hi Lizard King,
I've had my 1070 for just a few months and I must admit ...even with the minor woes I've had with it (which were mostly user induced)or it's limitations...
The 1070 rekindled my love of music...
it had been a few years since I spent so much money on CDs and even vinyls...
I even started the honeymoon with it without my powered sub(my sub was in the shop for two weeks)and I thought it played loud on my rather small mirage speakers(M-290's)...
once the sub was added
OUCH! eek
I even went out and dropped a few bucks on omnipolar surrounds (from Mirage as well)to top off the 7.1 part of the equation...
My love for the 1070 grows with every listening sessions... wink
I gave my old yamaha away...
comparison is impossible to me...
it would be like comparing apples and...
not oranges...but turnips... wink
Posted by: Lizard King

Re: Wanting to know about the receiver - 09/02/06 03:40 AM

wow!! - Thanks