I'm new to the forum here. I have been reading a lot about the 1070 especially the latest announcement from Scott saying that the inventory is getting really low so if anyone wants it better put in an order now. I just upgraded my speakers to the Orb Mod 1 and high def dvd player (Toshiba A20). I'm still using the Onkyo 502 that was purchased 3 years ago. Personally I don't know if I will be able to tell a difference if I were to purchase the 1070 or any of the high end receiver. The room I have is considered small and it has low ceiling. To spend $899 on a receiver after upgrading my speakers and dvd player would be quite a hit on my budget. Based on you guys expertise do you think I would benefit much from the 1070 or denon 2807 or 3806 etc..? To be honest I'm quite happy with the receiver I have because I have yet to experience anything else. Some people said I will definitely hear the difference and some people said I won't. This came from people at Crutchfield and Onecall where they really want to sell you stuff but they told me I don't need it. Even the people at Orb Audio said the same thing. I don't really have a need for HDMI switching and video conversion at this point.