990 compared to B&K 31

Posted by: Neverknows

990 compared to B&K 31 - 04/30/07 03:28 AM

Has anyone had an opportunity to compare the 990 to the B&K 31 (upgraded 30 to Reference 50 sans balanced speaker connections I believe)? Curious as to your thoughts.
Posted by: gonk

Re: 990 compared to B&K 31 - 04/30/07 11:24 AM

Haven't heard a lot of talk about the B&K Ref's around here in some time, so I don't know of anyone who has made that comparison. Perhaps your post will stir something up, though.
Posted by: WildWolf

Re: 990 compared to B&K 31 - 05/04/07 12:01 AM

I had a B&K preamp processor before my Outlaw 990. They are very different pieces of equipment. I found the B&K to be a bit smoother sounding and the Outlaw to be more accurate sounding. It also depends on which speakers & amp you are using. I really liked the sound of the B&K- I like the highs rolled off a bit which is why I bought my Sonus Faber speakers BUT I like the features and the ergonomics of the Outlaw better. Good luck with your decision.
Posted by: Neverknows

Re: 990 compared to B&K 31 - 05/06/07 04:36 AM

Thanks Gonk and WildWolf. I've gone with the B&K for now, just to hold me over until 1.3 HDMI gets taken care of.