Naming video/audio imputs???

Posted by: vp8000

Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 10:25 AM

Hey guys,
I have one for ya. I am running component out of my PS3 and my 360 to a Key Digital automatic switcher. It has 2 component in and 1 component out. It senses which signal is on and sends it thru, can only do one at a time. Then I am running the component out of the switcher to the component 2 input on the 990. Here is the tricky part, the audio. Tell me if this will work? The optical out from the PS3 to opt in #3 on the 990, then the opt out from the 360 to the opt in #2 on the 990. When I label them it will go like this.
Video 3 PS3 component 2 and opt 3
Video 4 Xbox 360 component 2 and opt 2.

Which ever deivise is on, PS3 or 360, the switcher will send the video, I will choose the proper video on the 990 which will send the right audio. Correct????

Thanks again.
Posted by: vp8000

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 10:27 AM

By the waqy. The Key Digital switcher is automatic in case you didn't catch that. Hey, what to you want for $300.00.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 10:52 AM

As a matter of fact, it is entirely possible to assign component 2 to two different inputs and have different digital audio inputs for them. Your scheme would work just fine.

I assume that you are doing this because you've already got the 990's other two component inputs assigned to other devices. Pretty good solution!
Posted by: vp8000

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 11:01 AM

Just for the record, here is my final wiring diagram.

Satellite box component out to component in #1 990. Opt out satellite to opt toslink #1 990. Labeled Video #1 Satellite Comp 1 opt 1.

DVD component out to DVD comp in 990. Opt out DVD to digital coax #1 990.
Labeled Video #2 Component DVD opt coax #1.

PS3 component out to Key Digital comp in, back out to comp #2 on 990. Opt toslink out of PS3 to opt toslink #3 990.
Labeled Video #3 PS3 comp 2 opt 3.

Xbox 360 component out to Key Digital comp in, back out to comp #2 on 990, same as PS3. It will automatically sense which one is on and send signal. Opt toslink out of 360 to opt toslink #2 990.
Labeled Video #4 Xbox 360 comp 2 opt 2.

Nintendo Wii component out directly to TV component in #2. Audio is anolog to 990 anolog #1.
Labeled Video #5 anolog audio #1.

CD toslink opt out to opt toslink in #4 on 990.
Labeled CD audio opt #4.

Component out 990 to component in on another Key Digital product, a distribution amp. This has 1 component in and 2 component outs. The outputs will output at the same time. So again, component out 990 to Key Digital component in, then #1 output to TV'component #1 in. The other component out on the Key Digital goes to my component in on my progector.

I think I covered it all. Let me know what you think. I also ran HDMI from satellite box to to HDMI TV so I can just watch TV if I choose.

Posted by: gonk

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 11:16 AM

That sounds like a slick setup, vp8000. Should work nicely. Only comment I'd suggest is to move the DVD to the DVD input instead of Video 2, so that you can connect the Wii's analog audio to that input (since Video 5 is on the front panel). You could also connect the Wii's audio to the Aux or Tape input since you aren't using any video switching for it.
Posted by: vp8000

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 11:23 AM

Thanks Gonk,
I think I confused myself. I will be running DVD to DVD comp input. Just calling Video 2 in the menu of the 990.

The Wii's anolog out will be into the 990's anolog audio input, also just calling it Video 5 in the menu. Will that work???

Posted by: gonk

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 11:45 AM

Keep in mind that the 990 has six video inputs, with the default names (corresponding to the labels on the rear and front panels) of DVD and Video1 through Video5. Video5 is the front input: the only s-video, composite video, and analog audio connections that it can use are those on the front panel, even though it can easily be configured to use any digital audio input as well as any component or DVI input. The scheme you have developed will work fine, but you'll just need to remember when you go to hook things up that the Wii's analog connections will probably not be hooked up to the input defined as Video5.
Posted by: vp8000

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 11:58 AM

Can I label the PS3 and the Xbox 360 video 3 and video 4 in the menu but have them both coming out of 1 out put from the auto switcher? Then have the audio's named different? Not sure if that makes sense.
Posted by: vp8000

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 12:05 PM

I will use 3 component in's on the 990 but will actually have 4 devices, hense the auto switcher. The 5th device, the Wii, is going directly into the TV.

I want to be able to scroll thru the 990's inputs and see:
Will this work for me?
Posted by: vp8000

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 12:20 PM

So as I scroll with the 990 it will do this.

DVD to comp DVD and coax 1.
Satellite comp 1 and optical 1.
PS3 comp 2 and optical 3.
Xbox comp 2 and optical 2.
Wii directly to TV so no video, audio to analog.
CD to optical 4.

I think that's it. Help.

Thanks again.
Posted by: vp8000

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 12:21 PM

I just want each device to come up labeled the way I have it above.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 12:21 PM

Can I label the PS3 and the Xbox 360 video 3 and video 4 in the menu but have them both coming out of 1 out put from the auto switcher? Then have the audio's named different? Not sure if that makes sense.
You sure can do this.
I want to be able to scroll thru the 990's inputs and see:
Will this work for me?
It sure will. Here's what I'd probably do:
  • DVD: Connect the component cables to Component-DVD and the digital audio to coaxial1. Set the 990's DVD input to Comp-DVD and Coaxial1. Leave the label alone (already called DVD).
  • Satellite: Connect the component cables to Component1 on the 990 and the digital audio to optical1. Set the 990's Video1 input to Comp-1 and Optical1. Edit Video1's input name to "SATELLITE" (which will just about use up the maximum number of characters available for a label name).
  • PS3: Connect the component cables to your auto switcher, which is in turn connected to Component 2 of the 990. Connect the digital audio to optical2. Set the 990's Video2 input to Comp-2 and Optical2. Edit Video2's name to "PS3".
  • Xbox360: Connect the component cables to your auto switcher, which is in turn already connected to Component 2 on the 990. Connect the digital audio to optical3. Set the 990's Video3 input to Comp-2 and Optical3. Edit Video3's name to "XBOX360".
  • Wii: Connect the component cables directly to your HDTV and connect the stereo analog cables to Video4 on the 990. Set the 990's Video3 input to analog audio and edit the name to "Wii". You could include an s-video or composite video cable to Video4, and the 990 would transcode it to the component output for viewing on your projector. (As an alternative - in case you want to be able to add another video source without using the 990's rear input - use the AUX input instead of Video4 and disregard the comment about s-video or composite video.)
  • CD: Connect the CD's digital audio cable to optical4. Set the 990's CD input to optical4. Leave the label alone (already called CD).
  • 990 and HDTV: Your 990's component monitor output is going to a component video distribution amp to drive both the HDTV and the projector. The HDTV gets a component video connection from the 990 downstream of the distribution amp, a component video connection directly from the Wii, and an HDMI connection straight from the sallite receiver. The projector gets a componet video connection from the 990 downstream of the distribution amp.

This will let you have inputs identified by the 990 as DVD, SATELLITE, PS3, XBOX360, Wii, and CD.
Posted by: vp8000

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 12:29 PM

Awesome work as usual Gonk. Thanks so much for your time again!!!
Posted by: gonk

Re: Naming video/audio imputs??? - 12/15/06 12:32 PM

No sweat - and the scheme was really your idea, I just summarized it. smile