Posted by: bwallen77

7125 - 05/30/06 06:04 PM

Just ordered a 7125 and can't wait to get it. I'm holding off from purchasing a 990 though. Im waiting for the news codecs to come out. My question is how much of a difference should I hear switching to a dedicated amp. I will still be using my old 5660 yamaha which is an old best buy model.
Posted by: gonk

Re: 7125 - 05/30/06 06:20 PM

The move from the Yamaha's internal amps to the 7125 should be a nice, noticeable improvement. Let us know what you think when it arrives.

The new HD formats do add some confusion to the buying process. I'm guessing that you've read some of the countless posts about the madness and mayhem tied to the new codecs (revised HDMI versions, analog output, benefits and drawbacks to actually using HDMI v1.3 to output raw bitstreams to processors) and are comfortable with waiting a while. I took the opposite route last year - bought the 990 when it came out because I figured the wait would be long enough that I could enjoy the 990 for several years before something in my price range appeared that fully and properly supported the new standards and a generation or two of players had come and gone. In fact, I bought assuming that I would very likely have the 990 long enough to pick up a second or third-gen HD player (not sure which format, as it's still too soon for me to be ready to decide to back either format over the other) and use the analog outputs with the 990's 7.1 Direct input.
Posted by: bwallen77

Re: 7125 - 06/03/06 01:57 PM

Having some trouble with the remote trigger. If im understanding correctly the wire simply needs to run from my recievers 12v trigger to the 7125's in for the trigger. Then simply by powering the pre/pro ( yamaha 5660) 0n and off will also turn the 7125 on and off. I could not get the 7125 to power on until I unplugged the wire. Any help would be apreciated.
Posted by: gonk

Re: 7125 - 06/03/06 02:12 PM

I haven't used the newer generation Outlaw amps, so I'm not the best source of information on the 7125 and its current siblings. My 750 behaves differently than I think the current amps do (I have to have the front panel power button pushed in for the trigger to work). My understanding of the 7125, however, is that the front panel power button is a momentary contact switch such that this step isn't needed. I'd suggest checking the Yamaha's setup to see if you have to enable the 12V trigger there in order to make sure the signal is being sent to the 7125. If the trigger signal was absent, then the 7125 would behave exactly as you describe.
Posted by: tmdlp

Re: 7125 - 06/03/06 10:16 PM

I found the trigger wire would not seat itself completely in the plug. From manufacturing, i found part of the plug was not trimmed correctly. Trimmed the plastic back and worked as advertised.
Posted by: bwallen77

Re: 7125 - 06/04/06 09:18 AM

Thank you
I'll try that today and see what happens. Definitly would not of thought of that.