Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line


Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/28/05 01:48 AM

Since Outlaw can't update those of us that have reservations for the 990 as to where we are in the que, I though we can help each other out. I did not put my reservation in until may 24th, I expect some wait time until I get my order invitation...but I'm anxious to know how long of a wait I'm facing. So anyone that received their order invitation already PLEASE post your reservation time/date and time/date of your order invitation. This will help those of us still waiting a great deal.
Thanks in Advance
Posted by: Ender

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/28/05 03:05 AM

I want this preamp now! this would help ease the wait
Posted by: trikos

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/28/05 12:41 PM

I got mine, which my wait list time was May 19th at 9:30pm. That was almost a week ago, so I am sure they are farther than that. But I have not heard from anyone after that time, so I don't know what there are up to..

Good Luck!
Posted by: CJL1138

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/28/05 02:08 PM

My waiting list confirmation email came on May 16th, and I still have not received a notification to purchase. It appears that their waiting list is not organized by time.
Posted by: assid

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/28/05 02:22 PM

Whoa, they're only on those who got on the wait list back in April. I don't think they're even close to May yet.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/28/05 02:23 PM

Is that your wait list confirmation? I believe that Trikos' 5/19 message was his instructions to place the order - his wait list confirmation was 4/19, two days after the reservation list opened.
Posted by: trikos

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/28/05 07:17 PM

Opps my bad, wrong month sorry smile

It was two days after opening..
Posted by: Ender

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/29/05 12:22 AM

a one month wait is a bit long...why didnt they make many more before taking orders, can anyone enlighten me on this ?
Posted by: trikos

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/29/05 01:10 AM

All companies have to estimate orders and stage there delivery. It would be unwise for a company like Outlaw to risk building huge amounts of product not knowing what amount of orders they will get. It's a bit like forcasting the weather..

I would think that Outlaw has stage manufacturing and delivery in an organized fashion. It will ensure that when you do get your product, that you will be comformable knowing that they will be around to service it because they did it the prudent way..

Posted by: gonk

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/29/05 10:36 AM

That's one month farther back in line, but we don't know what that equates to as far as a wait. The list is heavily weighted toward the first day or two, and we're already at least 48 hours into the list, so progress down the line should be faster. There is going to be a lull at some point when the first production run is sold out, but the second production run was already on the water three or four weeks ago and a third production run was slated to start assembly this month. Here's a quote from the May 8 e-mail that provided me with my ordering instructions:

While the decision to purchase is yours, please understand that due to high demand we will be shipping from the reservation list only for the next few weeks. If you decline to use your reservation but then later change your mind and decide to purchase, you will have to enter a new reservation and will be placed at the end of the list. Even with the second production run already on the water and with a third production run due to start shortly, we may not be able to ship from stock until some time in late June or early July.
Keep in mind that the first production run was built, packed up, and loaded on a freighter before the 990 was even announced, so they had no idea of what sort of interest might exist. This meant that the very first folks on the list went from finding out that the product existed around April 4 to getting on the waiting list on April 17 (two weeks) to placing orders on May 8 (two more weeks) to having units on their doorsteps around May 11 or May 12. That's remarkably quick. In comparison, the 950 waiting list was opened in mid-December 2001 and the first handful of units shipped out to customers in early April 2002 - and the pre-order list for the Emotiva UL that you may have seen some discussion of in another thread here has been open since early this year (months before the 990 list opened), and the current estimates there are for shipments leaving the factory in June and arriving in customers' hands no sooner than August. I think Outlaw's moving the 990 pretty dang fast. smile
Posted by: phatlac

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/31/05 01:04 PM

Your 990 is now available!

Looks like Father's Day for me came a bit earlier than the norm.

Oh yeah, Gonk, thanks for that 990 review link in your signature! Great info!

Looks like my bedroom theatre's Denon just got ousted by the 950 which looses it's place in the food chain to the 990!


Posted by: gonk

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/31/05 01:35 PM

Cool deal. When did you get on the waiting list, phatlac?
Posted by: trikos

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 05/31/05 02:03 PM

Yes, please update us, there are many folks chewing their nails...

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/01/05 12:25 AM

Please tell us when did you get on the waiting list. There must be more folks out there that got your invitation for firm order of the 990, please update us on when you got on the waiting list. Thanks
Posted by: NeverHappy

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/01/05 01:57 AM

I went on the list about a month ago and I got my email today..........and yes, I bought the 990!
Posted by: trikos

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/01/05 08:42 AM


What date/time did you go on the waiting list..

Posted by: assid

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/01/05 08:42 PM

I signed waiting list 2 MAY and have not received invitation to buy yet. NeverHappy and Phatlac, when did you sign waiting list?
Posted by: assid

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/02/05 06:15 PM

Come on guys, give those of us still waiting for the invite to purchase some dope!!

If you recently (in last couple days) got the "you can purchase now" email, when did you originally place your "reservation"?

I am very anxious to gain some intel on when I can expect my opportunity to buy a 990. I signed up for one (reserved one) on May 2nd.
Posted by: jcmccorm

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/02/05 10:43 PM

I got my wait list confirmation email on 4/26/05 and got my "ready to order" confirmation on 5/31/05. I ordered it today.

Posted by: assid

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/03/05 12:04 AM

Thanks corm. That's encouraging to see we're moving up the wait list. Since I got on the wait list 7 days after you, my invite can't be too far away, eh?

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/03/05 09:21 AM

thanks jcmccorm for updating us. I see we haven't made it out of april yet. I wonder if the first batch shipment of the 990 is already exhausted or not.
Posted by: JohnW

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/05/05 06:06 PM

I got my wait list confirmation on April 22, and I received my invitation to order on May 23. I confirmed my order on May 27 and I received my 990 yesterday. It is a great pre/pro.
Posted by: phatlac

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/06/05 10:41 AM

Sorry for the late reply - vacation!

April 26 is when I see the activity to Outlaw about the 990. Accourding to the emails and correspondences so far, it shipped out and should arrive 07June - tomorrow. The "Your 990 is REady" email came on 31 May so the turn around time was about 4 weeks from my calculations.

Posted by: gonk

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/06/05 11:16 AM

Thanks, phatlac. That puts us moving along fairly well - the batch of invitations to order sent out two weeks ago covered reservation list spots up to at least April 22, and the invitations to order sent out last week covered reservation list spots up to at least April 26. Based on that pace and the fact that we seem to be getting one batch of invitations to order every week, the next batch of invitations should show up in the next day or two and should get us to the end of April. Maybe we'll even get into May - after all, it took several batches of invitations just to get from 8:00PM on April 17 to the evening of April 18, and now we're seeing several days worth of reservations covered by a single invitation batch.

I've been worried that the invitation batches would stop going out at some point when the first batch ran out, but I'm beginning to think that Outlaw may be able to avoid that. Here's why I say that: the second batch was reportedly on the water a month ago (based on a comment in the first batch of invitation e-mails sent out on May 8), and based on the first batch's transit time (in transit on 4/4 when the unit was announced and shipping out a little over a month later) it's very possible that the second batch is either in hand now or pretty near at hand.
Posted by: ratpack

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/06/05 12:19 PM

gonk: just wondering how many they can ship in a day??? Seems like they would have caught up a little more quickly unless they ran out of 990s.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/06/05 12:36 PM

I don't know what sort of specific volume they are able to ship - Outlaw (like everybody other company I'm aware of in this industry) is very tight-lipped about sales numbers. They may have shipped the first production run out in small batches rather than a single massive drop in order to better manage the shipments and allow for a more controlled roll-out since it's a new product.
Posted by: Bobbski

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/06/05 01:55 PM

I got in line 8 days after the opening, received my notice last Thursday, and ordered last night.
Posted by: ratpack

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/06/05 02:39 PM

gonk: that very well could be, but I was wondering why they couldn't ship 100 a day and work the backlog!

Still waiting for word on the 790. Maybe 4th of July? LOL!!
Posted by: Bill B.

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/06/05 06:05 PM

confused I submitted a form for getting on the waiting list on 5/14 but received no e-mail confirmation of having done so, as your April newsletter implied I would. I tried again on 5/28. Same result. I really want one.
Posted by: Iggy The Dog

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/06/05 07:00 PM


If you didn't receive the confirmation letter from your initial request to get on the reservation list you should probably contact Outlaw Customer Service!
Posted by: CJL1138

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/07/05 10:17 AM


Be sure you don't have an email filter set somewhere that is treating the Outlaw response as spam. A lot of these new spam filters are pretty aggressive.
Posted by: CJL1138

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/09/05 01:18 PM

C'mon guys! lets get some dates posted here; so those of us in line can get an idea when we will see our shiny new preamp!
Posted by: thousekn

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/09/05 02:22 PM

For what its worth, I received my waiting list confirmation on 4/30. Still haven't received my invitation to order. Looks like 4/26 was the latest invitation date to be invited to order.

Hope this helps those of you who are as eagerly awaiting your 990 as I am!
Posted by: assid

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/09/05 06:37 PM

I'm thinking we're now waiting for the "slow boat from China" to show up with the next batch.
Posted by: ratpack

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/09/05 08:19 PM

You are probably correct. They have sold the entire first "boat load."
Posted by: trikos

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/09/05 09:22 PM

Ummm, I think that's Korea.. wink
Posted by: Bobbski

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/10/05 10:34 AM

The unit I ordered Sunday is expected today via Fedex. I got on the waitlist 8 days after the opening. Some of the email I got from Outlaw came in to my spam filter on aol (I think it was the acceptance notice). All the remaining status came in normally.
Posted by: Mike in Virginia

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/10/05 11:06 AM

If we're possibly waiting for the next boatload, does anyone know how long the last boatload took to come in?
Posted by: gonk

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/10/05 11:45 AM

The first boat load was en route on April 4, and the first units from that shipment were sent to customers on May 11 or so. The second load was en route by May 8 (based on a comment in the first batch of order invitation e-mails). The unknown variable is how long each batch had been in transit on April 4 and May 8. If they had both been on the way a comparable amount of time and there were no extra delays in customs for the second batch, we could potentially see units from the second batch shipping to customers by early next week. All of those numbers are probably plus or minus some time, of course. (Plus or minus two weeks? I dunno...)
Posted by: NeverHappy

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/12/05 09:27 PM

For all of those who can't wait, check out Audigon. Last time I checked there were actually two 990's up for sale.
Posted by: E'pin Sen Ob

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/12/05 11:36 PM

They probably have a pretty sweet tag on them though right ?
Posted by: trikos

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/13/05 07:11 PM

Is this like scalping tickets or what. No one has had one for 30 days..
Posted by: thousekn

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/14/05 03:36 PM

Just received the following e-mail from Outlaw:

We are pleased to inform you that we have reached your place in the reservation
queue, and the second batch of Model 990's will be available to ship as early as
this Friday.

Looks like the list is moving again. (I got my confirmation on April 30th).

Looks like I'll be buying a new toy tonight!
Posted by: tmex

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/14/05 04:48 PM

I got the "pleasd to inform you" as well email. I placed reservation on May 3. Now the quandary.....buy 770 or wait for 790....
Posted by: RCF051

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/14/05 05:16 PM

thousekn and tmex: Thanks for the updates. They give hope to us farther down the list (May 9) in my case.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/14/05 06:50 PM

This last batch of invitations has covered a lot of ground - we went from April 26 for the last batch to May 3. Excellent...
Posted by: Brian_N

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/14/05 07:11 PM

I got my "pleasd to inform you" email too, I placed my reservation on May 6.
Posted by: assid

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/14/05 07:23 PM

Got mine too, placed my reservation May 2nd. Yeehaw!!! I'll soon advance 10 years in pre/pro capabilities. It's gonna be quite a move up from plain 'ol dolby pro logic circa '95. Base management??? What's that? LFE? What's that??? smile
I also got my new Rocket speakers Monday...things are falling in line nicely.
Anyone else go for the overnight shipping? I couldn't resist.
Posted by: enthusd

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/14/05 11:55 PM

just got my invite to purchase ... got on the waitlist may 4th around 3 am laugh
Posted by: clo2016

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/15/05 02:43 PM

I placed my reservation May 6th and also received my invite to buy. I just placed my order for the 990 and a 7100. Sure wanted that 770, but my wife is really "happy" about the deal as it is, so I thought I should just get by with a little less.

There should be another 1050 on ebay soon. I have not looked into it, but does Audiogon charge something to sell through them?
Posted by: gonk

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/15/05 02:46 PM

Audiogon charges $4 for a classified ad, if I remember correctly.
Posted by: assid

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/16/05 07:43 PM

Bummer. Outlaw's telling me my 990 won't ship until Monday. Oh well, I've waited 10 years to upgrade my pre/pro, what's another week?

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/17/05 12:50 AM

Thank you all for responding. Looks like we're up to May 6th or even a couple of days further down by now.
Posted by: AudioBear

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/17/05 04:06 PM

Good news: Outlaw is moving fairly rapidly down the list. I placed my reservation on May 15th. I just received the e-mail that my name came up so I ordered right away. This will be moving up from a Lexicon DC-1 that broke last winter. Should be quite an improvement at 1/4 the price.

I'm looking forward to this!!!
Posted by: Bill B.

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/17/05 05:03 PM

I just my order invitation and have ordered. I got on the list on 5/14. Can't wait til it arrives.
Posted by: Sniffer

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/17/05 08:19 PM

Me too! Reserved 05/13 and got my order invitation today, 06/17. But, heck...it's Friday, after 5PM pacific time...so nothing will happen until Monday at the earliest...truly can't wait until it arrives.
Posted by: TC

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/17/05 08:36 PM

I got on the wait list on 5/17 and finally receive my invite this afternoon. Wow, I'll have my first separate component HT processor in about 10 days(time for my Sony ES receiver to get on ebay). I've been more of a 2 channel tube sound kind of guy and only had separates for that. I hope the 990 is worth the wait, and will be significantly better than my Sony.
My invite also says that the second batch of 990's is ready to ship. So I assume orders on the waitlist should now be filled at a much faster pace.
Posted by: travk13

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/18/05 12:01 AM

lot of ground covered quickly ... may 19 i got confirm and just recieved availible notice tonight .. 900 central friday...will decide by monday..
Posted by: dieswaytoofast

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/18/05 08:30 PM

5/19, got reply yesterday, ordered. woohoo!!!
Posted by: CJL1138

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/19/05 04:11 AM

I received my invite to purchase Friday, 6/17. My waiting list confirmation came on 5/16. I just placed my order; so hopefully my shiny new preamp will be on my doorstep sometime week after next.
Posted by: travk13

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/19/05 10:42 AM

i went ahead and ordered too...hopefully shes all shes cracked up to be .. she will be feeding a ATI 1506 ..so should sound phenominal ..
Posted by: RCF051

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/20/05 09:44 AM

I also received my invite on Friday, 6/17; reserved on 5/9. Was out of town, so just put my order in this morning -- 990 plus 755 amp, which will replace my Yamaha DSP A3090 amp. The 990/755 will be driving Def Tech 2002s/a 2002 C/L/R, and 2 BPXs. Now I just have to sit back and wait...it will be a long week.
Posted by: asim

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/20/05 11:19 AM


I have pretty much the same speakers as you and would love to hear your opinion on how they sound with the Outlaw gear, when you get a chance.


Ok, so I don't have any outlaw equipment but am working towards it.
Posted by: darwin

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/20/05 11:21 AM

Thanks for the updates folks. It looks like I must be getting very close. My waiting list confirmation was 5/22, but no invitation to order yet.
Posted by: RCF051

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/20/05 11:36 AM


Happy to give a report once the Outlaw gear arrives and I can pull myself away from it!

Posted by: CJL1138

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/21/05 10:18 AM

I just received my shipping notice. FedEx is scheduled to deliver my 990 on Thursday.
Posted by: merkls

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/21/05 11:21 AM

For those still in line, I received my invitation to order this morning and I got on the wait list (for a 2nd time) on 5/24.

Posted by: Rene S. Hollan

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/21/05 12:44 PM

Just joined the waiting list for a 990 yesterday (06/20).

After some 20 years with an audio-only B&O system (very much on its last legs) and 14 years with a wife that is very much into movies (which we have been listening to in 2ch with a sub crossed to Radio 520i mains), I finally (a) upgraded my mains amp from a Carver TFM-22 to a Stratos Plus, and more importantly, made the first plunge into an A/V processor by adding myself to the 990 list.

I await my invite.
Posted by: Relentless

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/21/05 06:56 PM

reserved on 5/25-i recieved invite today.
looking foward to delivery.
Posted by: Mike in Virginia

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/21/05 08:58 PM

They're really moving along. I got my wait list notice on 6/4, and got my invitation to order today. I ordered, of course. Point of information: The 7100s are backordered by a lot, so I couldn't buy the combo (with an LFM-1, yet). But my sales guy (thanks again) was willing to give me a discounted combo price if I took a B-stock 7100. I did that, too.
Posted by: merkls

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/21/05 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Mike in Virginia:
The 7100s are backordered by a lot, so I couldn't buy the combo (with an LFM-1, yet). But my sales guy (thanks again) was willing to give me a discounted combo price if I took a B-stock 7100. I did that, too.
I can only hope this means we may be seeing updated faceplates soon!

Posted by: RCF051

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/22/05 03:08 PM

Just received my shipping confirmation for order placed on 6/17. Various elements estimated for delivery tomorrow and Friday. Now if FedEx only sticks to the schedule...
Posted by: Sniffer

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/22/05 03:14 PM

Got it!!!!!!

Whoooo Hooo. Ordered 990 + 755 combo on Sunday...got my tracking number Tuesday....and my equipment on Tuesday. Wild huh? Anyway...after lugging it all in last night and wiring it this morning...I had about 20 minutes of pure music pleasure before work.

Posted by: Mike in Virginia

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/22/05 04:46 PM


Guess you'll have to change your sig.
Posted by: RCF051

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/23/05 09:54 AM

Came home late last night to find a large box marked "990" in the front hall. Now I need the 755, which is on its way from CA. So close, and yet so far.
Posted by: K-Man

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/23/05 11:48 AM

Great news for me this morning. Reserved my spot on the 990 waiting list 7-June and got the invitation to purchase just a few minutes ago. Things must be really moving on the list. I bought the 990/755 combo and it couldn't come at a better time. My Denon 3803 starting going into overload protection everytime it was switched to all channel stereo last night. I can't wait to get them in my hands!
Posted by: CrazyEd

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/23/05 05:35 PM

Got on the 990 List 6-17 and got Invite and Ordered today!
Guess things are moving right along as delivery just might take longer than the wait for the Invite!

Posted by: nurhaci

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/23/05 05:44 PM

FYI: Reserved a 990 on 6/9 and received my invitation to order today, 6/23. The email also suggested that those who choose not to order within five days (didn't it used to be ten?), even if they changed their minds and placed another reservation immediately after the five days, would likely not receive a 990 before the end of July or early August.

Now I have to hurry and finish my new component rack...
Posted by: Rene S. Hollan

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/24/05 01:54 AM

That was fast!

I added myself to the waitlist on 06/20 and received my invite 06/23 AM. Natuarly, I placed an order right away (though the order site gave me a few 500 errors for a while), on 06/23 PM.

I figured, "what the heck" and added a t-shirt and cap.

Since I'm anxious (my current preamp died), I sprung for the approx. $80 (a bit less actually) overnight shipping.
Posted by: Rene

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/24/05 11:14 AM

After reading Gonk's review of the 990. I could not hold back the urge to upgrade my beloved 950. I e-mailed Outlaw to place a reservation.

Now, my head is spinning, waiting for the Fed-Ex truck to pull up to my house.

Gonk, thanks for all you do on this board.

Have fun gents.
Posted by: Rene S. Hollan

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/24/05 04:31 PM

Whee! Outlaw called to say that they would try to ship my 990 today, Monday at the latest.

I'm anxious so I sprang for overnight shipping, and they noted that it would be much cheaper if they sent the swag (cap and t-shirt) regular mail (which they do for free) and the 990 overnight, so I said "sure".

I just figured that they'd stuff the swag into the 990 box, but I suppose they're not set up to do that, which would mean another package, and another overnight charge of "$x plus $y per pound" with x being significant for small packages.
Posted by: travk13

Re: Order confirmation for 990 for those still in line - 06/24/05 11:54 PM

mine is home!!! so far no intention of returning .. very impressed...