Since putting my system together, I've been killing myself trying get HDMI/DVI switching working through the 990. Like anyone, I was ready to take the easy road; advise Outlaw I had a faulty unit, but thanks to Gonk (THE MAN!)I hung in there determined to make something else take the blame.

After connecting everything twice (990 DVI Swithing) and failing miserably, I semi-gave into using component video throughout the system and optical audio. Figuring 3-times a charm, I reconnected everything HDMI-DVI (just as Gonk prescribed) and flat on my face I fell.

I was now convinced the 35' Component/HDMI cable w/DVI Adapter I purchased from Better Cable was the culprit. I called and they had no problem shipping a new one. Got the new cable and KAAZAAM!!!!

Now the bad news....getting the bad cable out and returned and the new one in. Gotta love this stuff.

Thanks Outlaws...for the forum. I truly believe allot of HT geeks have been saved by this.
Dedicated HT 15Wx24Dx12H
Outlaw 7700/990
Pioneer Elite DV-79AVi
Panasonic AE900U
ML Aeon i
ML Cinema i
ML Descent
Monitor Audio Bronze
Panamax 5400-EX
Da-Lite 120" Fixed Screen
...and allot of goodies in between

EJ\'s Home Theater