This post is both a complaint and a fix.

I'm not sure why Outlaw chose to not include a switched outlet on the 990 but it would have made my setup considerably easier. I needed a switched outlet to control both a 120v component and a 12V wall wart (AC/DC transformer). I ended up using a relay (DPDT) from Radio Shack. One side was used to control the 120V circuit and the other was used to control the 12V circuit and I used the 12v trigger on the 990 to activate the relay. The second problem I had was finding a relay big enough to control the output that I needed but could still be activated by the measly 50mA output of the 12v trigger. Anyhow, if anyone finds themselves with the same problem (and doesn't have some type of electronics background) email me and I can give you the Radio Shack number for the relay and explain how to correctly hook it up so everything works.