I just received the email from Outlaw announcing the final stock of the 990 and the discounted sale price. I've been lusting over a 990 for years now, and still remember when it was $1100. Even then I thought it was a deal - my current processor is a Parasound P/SP 1500... bought new in 1996 for... gee, how much was that thing? Not sure, but I know it was expensive. So, I've been listening to 5.1 surround from a 12 year old processor. I'm wondering, how much better will the Outlaw sound? The big question is, should I take the plunge and get the 990 at the reduced price? Part of me wants to wait for "new technology", part of me says that what I have is "good enough". With two kids in college, will I ever cough up $1400 for the latest greatest? Probably not... so if I don't get the 990, I'll probaly end up just living with what I have.

I would love to hear opinions!!!