tiger woods

Posted by: randy tee

tiger woods - 12/03/09 03:38 PM

How many of you think Tigers wife was trying to jam a golf club up his urse, and he ran outside and wrecked his car? They broke in during my football game to say he had been hurt. He cut his lip!!! Oh the humanity of it all!! His wife is super fine I dont get this one.
Posted by: XenonMan

Re: tiger woods - 12/03/09 10:49 PM

Who cares???
Posted by: Jimna

Re: tiger woods - 12/04/09 02:37 AM

What does Tiger have in common with a baby seal? They’ve both been clubbed by a Norwegian.
Posted by: rubbersoul

Re: tiger woods - 12/04/09 12:29 PM

The actions of Tiger Woods who has hundreds of millions of dollars, a beautiful wife and child, many homes around the world, a yacht, numerous cars which he probably did not pay for and lastly all of the fame and notoriety one only could be envious of shows us first that Tiger Woods is human.
However it also shows us that a person like Tiger can have everything and still come up short within himself.
I do not feel sorry for the guy nor do I care if his wife gets the shirt off his back.

The best penalty for Tiger is for everyone to ignore him especially his sponsors.
Posted by: butchgo

Re: tiger woods - 12/04/09 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Jimna:
What does Tiger have in common with a baby seal? They’ve both been clubbed by a Norwegian.
Good one!!!!!! laugh
Posted by: psyprof1

Re: tiger woods - 12/04/09 07:38 PM

I don't know about the rest of you but I expect this sort of subject in regular saloons, not the Outlaw version.
Posted by: Ritz2

Re: tiger woods - 12/06/09 03:15 PM

You'd think being a father, a billionaire, traveling the world on the pro golf circuit, and knocking boots with a 29 year old Swedish bikini model would be enough to keep someone from looking for some strange. Such blatant hubris often shames the perp at least as much as the victim.

However, I'm sure the world has no shortage of women who would leap at the chance to have Elin's lifestyle, even with a cheating husband. And certainly there's no shortage of men who would leap at the chance to help her get back at Tiger. wink
Posted by: Retep

Re: tiger woods - 12/06/09 10:36 PM

I feel the whole situation is sad. Even though he's a public figure, I wish the media wouldn't focus on any public figures personal lives.

I think all the media attention may convey the wrong message to our youth and I don't believe people who behave badly should be given the spotlight. To that end, I wish we had better privacy laws.
Posted by: Alex Prosak

Re: tiger woods - 12/07/09 07:50 AM

Did you hear that Tiger Woods is going to legally change his name to Cheetah Woods?
Posted by: rubbersoul

Re: tiger woods - 12/11/09 12:59 PM

Retep I have to agree that stronger privacy laws for ALL people is needed but in this fast pace "I want it yesterday" world we live in I doubt it will happen.

Something else bugs me about the Tiger Woods situation...the fact that GM within one week gave him a new SUV.
It was like he just made a hole in one!
No pun intended.

What kind of message is that sending to our kids?
Posted by: Jimna

Re: tiger woods - 12/11/09 07:15 PM

i dont have sympathy for him, when you get paid millions to endorse shoes or whatever you have to assume the spotlight all the time, not just when its convenient. they go hand in hand, so suck it up my rich friend.