belongs in 'two cents'... here goes!

Posted by: tomhvt

belongs in 'two cents'... here goes! - 12/06/07 07:31 PM

this is a big one. i trust my fellow outlaws implicitly, so here goes. i sit here contemplating my recent (last nite after coby cardboard junque dvd failed to work) yamaha dvd 5- changer (thanks local non- profit and 35 bux)... and so i start thinking, as the mt- gay and dr pepper does that. i'm so happy being an outlaw that i wonder where did chevy go wrong! (shameless plug: look my post in '7100')... the future, that's what it means to be an outlaw. so i'm trusting this idea to my homies- outlaws! the future lies in electric propulsion. chevy? yeah. 1961 impala. where are the chevys? doa! here's what we need. a 'side order' for you guys. we need battery electric drive systems, from chairs/ bikes, on up to perhaps large trucks/ buses. (actually i think buses might already be covered- and they have swap-able batteries, too). i need a system for my impala, in place of the wonderful but stupid 283, and it's (late as of mid '61) turboglide that just failed. i need onboard 120v charge, and perhaps automatic diesel- electric backup in the event of distance or lack of charge. i want hookup automatically in my parking space at home. it could be the impala, '77 short step, c30 dually camper, 53 willys wagon (chev chassis), 56 beetle, 93 civic, or even something as special as an a.h. bugeye (frogeye) sprite. we're going to need a couple different sizes- not too many. the bug might not need the chevy (full- size) system, but a compact one. a good point: just a few sizes of system packages would work for a wide range of autos. (slips on a 'new' copy of 'nashville skyline' 1/2 speed:) smile .... back to outlaw. i'm installing a jbl 2240H, 18'', in the impala, in about 10' of bandpass (+2.8db from 35 to 75 cps). nak td700 TAPE DECK! (even sicker; it's my 2nd nakamichi- the first is in my 77 pickup)... yeah. i'm a little adhd? motors might be stacked, like pancakes, for more power- bigger vehicles. so if the buggie needs say, 3, the pu might need 5 the camper 7. we need this! an integrated system for custom (any) application, stock batteries. tremendous value! do this for me, my outlaws. flank and crush chevy. frod, dudge......... we need smart processing for car audio, too. another story? automatic surround setup? active noise tracing eq? xo, delay, limiting? ....... i think the car thing might fund real research into a/v. my plan is to have outlaws take over the world. MWAHHHHH HA HA HA. (add massive reverb, here)
Posted by: Skyblazer

Re: belongs in 'two cents'... here goes! - 12/11/07 09:25 AM

ok. dude. you need to lay off the meds and stop mixing them with alcohol. bad man.