Episode III

Posted by: Owl's_Warder

Episode III - 03/18/05 03:15 PM

Last night we took our soon-to-be-three year old to see Robots. It had some good moments but overall it's very ordinary. But we got to see the final full trailer for Star Wars Ep. III. I have to say it looks very good! I'm really looking forward to this one! The trailer suggests this will be a very dark story line. Lucas himself has said it will be and that it most likely will carry a PG-13 rating (as opposed to all of the others with PG). This all makes sense as it covers the whole fall from grace of Anakin and the destruction of almost all of the Jedi.

On a similar topic, has anybody seen the Clone Wars shorts running on Cartoon Network? It's supposed to be covering all of the events that take place between Episodes II and III. I just learned about them and was wondering if anybody has actually seen them or not.
Posted by: Cadboy

Re: Episode III - 03/18/05 03:50 PM

Funny you should mention the PG-13 thing.....I was PM'ing gonk about that very thing. I have yet to see the trailor mad but hear that it's awesome!
Posted by: gonk

Re: Episode III - 03/18/05 05:14 PM

The first two batches of shorts from Cartoon Network will be on DVD in April. I've seen bits and pieces of them, sort of interesting.
Posted by: JT Clark

Re: Episode III - 03/18/05 06:42 PM

I've seen the trailer and I don't know if I want to get excited or not. I thought the first two looked interesting, only to be disappointed. It should be exciting, but I'll have to see it to believe it.
Posted by: wingnut4772

Re: Episode III - 03/19/05 02:55 PM

I know . Phantom Menace was soooo bad. At least AOTC is pretty to look at and sounds awesome. It is my number one reference DVD. I don't want to get my hopes up for III after George broke my heart with I and II.
Posted by: Jason J

Re: Episode III - 03/21/05 02:34 PM

Here's my issue with getting excited over a Star Wars trailer. The trailer presents exciting action clips in short bursts. As we found out from the previous episodes, over a full length film, Lucas only knows how to present action sequences in short bursts. The lone exception to this whole thing is the "Pod Race". However, even in that technical "tour de force", he still changes vantage points way too quickly to build true excitement.

Quick action sequences for trailers look great. I'm sure using such techniques for a movie like "Waterworld" could produce similiar results. When viewed in a feature length film, however, quick action sequences don't always produce big bangs.

I'm still a huge Star Wars fan 'cause Lucas got me when I was young. I have huge hopes for Episode III. I also know there's absolutely no way this movie can satisfy everybody. Here's to hoping he makes it as great as it should be...
Posted by: Cargo

Re: Episode III - 03/21/05 05:04 PM

The Star Wars Trilogy set (original movies) has a bonus disc that talks about Episode III and shows Anakin in the Darth suit. They are supposed to, according to this bonus disc anyway, have long fight sequences that were very difficult for the actors to learn.
Posted by: sluggo

Re: Episode III - 04/19/05 11:41 PM

Lucas is now showing 3 new TV ads on his site - tasty little bites so good I forgot the sour tang of the last 2 films. I long for the days when the story was more important than the digital camera or the FX shots (not that there's anything wrong with that), but my son longs for spaceships, robots and big monsters, so I guess it'll be a wash.
Posted by: wingnut4772

Re: Episode III - 04/20/05 08:51 AM

I just sat through Phantom Menace. I must really not like myself :p . I saw those little commercials and all the trailers, etc. It LOOKS really good. I have my fingers crossed.
Posted by: E'pin Sen Ob

Re: Episode III - 05/04/05 09:56 PM

Has anyone seen the script for ROTHS yet. Can't wait to see if any of this is reallly in the film. http://scripts.cgispy.com/newsboard.cgi?user=starwars8