Well, you don't really have to but I figured I'd ask anyway. Here's the story, one day as I was walking with my wife in Union Square (Manhattan, N.Y.), there were all these people standing around a new V.W. car, and this guy had a guitar in his hand, plugged into the dash of the car its self. As I was sort of checking it out, the guy asked if I played guitar, and I said "a bit", then asked if I'd like to be in a video playing it...and figured whatever, ok.

Only thing was (no lie) I had a temperature, felt like utter crap (you can see I'm wearing a sweater, and it was quite nice outside), the guitar felt like crap as well, due to the fact that I generally use .12 gauge strings, and this thing was set up with what felt like .009's, so I was bending the crap out of the strings when I didn't want to, not to mention all the slipping/sliding. Guitarists here can relate I'm sure. The last factor, was that it wasn't comfortable to hold with the non adjustable strap the way it was, and there was nothing to sit down on.

I played like crap, but did it anyway. I didn't pay much attention to what the VW guy was saying about the video, and didn't think it would make it online, but as it would appear, I'm in some contest now, where I could win an guitar. I do think that I could have played MUCH better under different circumstances, but it is what it is now.

If you check out the contest, my name is Doug (from N.Y.) and I believe I'm currently up against Gary from Queens N.Y. He did pretty well, given that he played under some of the same circumstances, and even though I could do better than both of us did at that particular time, again, it is what it is. Maybe it's cheating asking you guys to vote for me, so I'll just put it out there, and you guys do what you'd like.

It would be nice to win a new guitar though... (It's also signed by Slash, but I could care less about that)


Link: Here (click on rock god battle)