7 channels

Posted by: gene avallon

7 channels - 02/07/02 06:16 PM

please tell me what each channel would be asigned to.I know the 5.1 bit.6.1 needs 6?if so where does the 7 come into play?
me again
Posted by: gonk

Re: 7 channels - 02/07/02 11:28 PM


Why 7? We've got the original 5, of course. But for the 6th channel (the "center surround" as I think it was sometimes called on the 1050), we split it out to two speakers and get 7. The "official" 7-channel systems (Dolby Digital EX/THX EX and DTS ES) all send the same signal to both teh 6th and 7th speakers, so the 7 sort of sneaks in.

Posted by: Matthew Hill

Re: 7 channels - 02/08/02 09:25 AM

Seven speakers, hence seven channels. As Gonk says, right now that rear is mono, but it may not always be. The original ProLogic specified a mono surround channel (so it was actually a 4.0 surround mode) but ProLogic II does send a separate signal to each surround speaker.

This way you're ready with your amp; if you'd connected two speakers to one amp channel it would be difficult to send a separate signal to each later.