S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000...

Posted by: Kevin C Brown

S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/13/03 02:38 AM

Got mine today.

They do mentioned the "upgraded" parts between the 950 and this guy, and that the Sherbourn measures better for noise than the 950, presumably as the result. But my obvious question is: the original 950 S&V reviewed was most probably a red dot era unit. I wonder how the 950 would do now?

And 2 questions: the review seems to allude to the fact that on the analog 5.1 crossover, that the high pass is 80 Hz, and the low pass is 100 Hz. Overlap? Or, the 100 Hz low pass is only with the 80 Hz crossover off, and it's 80 Hz low and high pass when it's on. ??

The review also seem to allude to the fact that the freq limit on the sub is only 80 Hz. (But even now that I'm typing it, makes no sense, because you can set 120 or 100 Hz on the digital crossover...)

Anyways, good review overall. They do complain about the price though.

[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited March 13, 2003).]
Posted by: steveko23

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/13/03 08:35 AM

Read the review myself last night and was amused about the complaint about the price as well.
A question I had though is about the amp. Is that the same as the 770 or are they completly different?

Posted by: Matthew Hill

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/13/03 10:23 AM

Wow. I've actually got a pre-colored-dot era unit in my rack. I find no fault with it, though.

Matthew J. Hill
Posted by: steves

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/13/03 11:48 AM

Wow, Matthew. I thought maybe I was the only one left with a pre-colored dot unit!
Posted by: Bridge Guy

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/14/03 05:41 PM

Nope, I have one, too (Sept 2002). Sounds disgustingly great. Wish I did have a gripe with it, get an updated version.

Originally posted by steves:
Wow, Matthew. I thought maybe I was the only one left with a pre-colored dot unit!
Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/14/03 10:08 PM

Sounds disgustingly great

Me four...I have an original. (my second 950 is a bluedot). There was no reason to send the first back for trade-in for me either. It preformed flawlessly.

I consider myself a member of an elite subclub.
Posted by: The Hun

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/14/03 10:48 PM

The review also seem to allude to the fact that the freq limit on the sub is only 80 Hz

Are you refering to the "In the lab" section?
If yes they only used the 80 hz figure as an "example",they know it's a variable xo point design.
BTW the 950 review in S&V was in the May['02] issue I belive,so it had to be from the first batch[no dots].Yes the "noisy ones".
Posted by: Kevin C Brown

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/15/03 02:30 AM

Hun- Yes, but they don't say that they are using the 80 Hz crossover. The way it's written, to me, sounds like a "global" statement.

Also, re: the 80 Hz to 100 Hz overlap for the 5.1 analog input: bottom middle pg 56. I'm going to paraphrase just cause it's easier:

5 main channels, multi-channel input, defeatable 12 dB/octave, 80 Hz high pass filter. (That's the switch on the back for the analog crossover.)

*In addition*: bass below 100 Hz in those channels is filtered out at 24 db/octave and combined into the channel fed to the sub output. (That's the always present summing, rerouting.)

Either the test is wrong, or there is overlap from 80 to 100 Hz.

Also, I think some people are confused about the "dots" we talk about. There are 3 variations of units:

1) The "original", which shipped in early 2002. Shipment was halted in Feb/April 2002 maybe?

2) Red dot (era). Units that shipped from ~Aug 2002 to Dec 16th; *or* units with a red dot affixed to them.

3) Blue dot (era). Units shipped since Dec 17th, *or* have a blue dot affixed to them.

For example, Bridge Guy, yours doesn't have a colored dot on it, but it is a red dot era unit.


[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited March 15, 2003).]
Posted by: The Hun

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/15/03 03:46 PM

I think the 80-100hz "overlap" is a typo,and they will acknowledge it in upcoming issue[s] me thinks.I certainly wouldn't base any "judgement" on it.
Also they only publish the 80 hz figures on every component that features variable xover points,as it is more directly comparable to most other units out there,that features a single fixed point,and not because they don't know any better,however they should note this in that section, to avoid confusion.

[This message has been edited by The Hun (edited March 15, 2003).]
Posted by: SpOoNmAn

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/15/03 03:51 PM

Why do I always get my issues like 4 days after everyone else? Well regardless, it's 63 and sunny out here in Ohio so Im grabbing the mag and heading outside to sit on the deck and do some reading

I'm interested to see these typos for myself.

Play it LoUd!!
Posted by: SpOoNmAn

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/15/03 04:41 PM

After reading thru the article, I agree the 80hz comment was just a typo, nothing more.

As far as the overall review...umm I don't know If I am the only one that feels this way, but Sherbourn can take their combo price of $4,350.00..and politely ram it in an undecent place

Thats "almost" double the Outlaw price

Play it LoUd!!
Posted by: Kevin C Brown

Re: S&V review of Sherbourn PT-7000... - 03/15/03 04:50 PM

Yeah, I guess I would expect it's a typo too. After all, we all know the Outlaws know how to do proper analog BM from the ICBM. I guess it *could* be possible the the 100 Hz low pass only kicks in *if* the 80 Hz switch isn't engaged.

Oh yeah, an anomaly in the review they don't mention, but that's there: the pre/pro doesn't have balanced outputs, yet the amp has balanced inputs. What do you want to bet, when (if?) the big brother to the 950 comes out, it has balanced outs!