What's the Verdict?

Posted by: massi2u

What's the Verdict? - 02/20/03 09:55 PM

Is the latest revision to the Model 950 a better product than previous incarnation.
2-channel stereo for instance.I got my 950 during early production (was on 1st waiting list) when the hiss issue was just being mentioned.I never had the hiss problem but have compared serveral new Combo DVD(DVD-A + SACD) players w/built-in DD & DTS processors through 6-channel direct with my 950. In most cases the DVD players seem to reveal more detail and envelopment of soundtrack. Another concern is volume headroom, at times I'm at +2 dB during playback. I have all channels balanced with a shack meter using 00dB as referance and 75 dB to balance.I don't like the thought of getting that close to max output.
Seems from what I'm reading here on the forum, the older 950's ain't quite right.Thanks for hearing me out.
Posted by: soundhound

Re: What's the Verdict? - 02/20/03 11:11 PM

The newest incarnation of the 950 has 8db more output than the previous one, so your volume concerns will be addressed by this. They also fixed the hiss, to the extent that nobody has reported any of significance here. Most everyone seems to believe the new one sounds better too. So there you have it

The Soundhound Theater
Posted by: boblinds

Re: What's the Verdict? - 02/21/03 03:55 AM

Hmm. That 8dB would make a difference for me. I can't get mine calibrated to reference level at 0dB because I don't have enough output with my Red Dot version to properly drive my Aragon amp (this wasn't the case with my first unit with some hiss.)

At 0dB volume gain, I have to calibrate to about 72dB with my front channels max'ed out at 10. The surrounds -- speakers match the fronts NHT 2.5/1.5 -- calibrate just fine driven by a Carver amp.

Sigh. The Outlaw is a nice pre/pro for the money; but I kind of wish I hadn't been one of the early adopters.

[This message has been edited by boblinds (edited February 21, 2003).]
Posted by: Thade

Re: What's the Verdict? - 02/21/03 11:43 AM

I've had 2 950's in 3 weeks. The 1st one had some issues with the video so Outlaw sent me a replacement. I don't have an SPL meter (yet) but my on my 1st unit -05 - 00 db was about the max before my ATI 1506 started giving me warning lights. With the new unit I have yet to hit the red zone even at +5 and I'm still wanting more volume. I'm in a similar position.... I don't like the idea of being "maxed" Like I said... I don't have a meter but I'd swear the last unit was louder. I can't say which is better but just wanted to let you know that I'm not so sure the newer units have vary in max volume ??

Posted by: soundhound

Re: What's the Verdict? - 02/21/03 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Thade:
I can't say which is better but just wanted to let you know that I'm not so sure the newer units have vary in max volume ??

There must be some explanation for what you are seeing. The new 950 does have 8db more output thant the older one, for the same input, which is almost twice the subjective volume level. This difference should show up if everything is set up properly, and there are no problems elsewhere in your rig. Do your power amps have input volume controls? If so, are they at maximum? What are the trims set at on your 950?

I would certainly purchase a sound level meter. The RadioShack analog one is recommended, and is quite inexpensive. BTW, there is no danger in raising the volume past the "00" indication. Home theater preamps have less gain overall than traditional stereo preamps, and therefore the relative postion of the volume control will be higher. In a properly calibrated system however, the "00" level sould be pretty darn loud!

The Soundhound Theater
Posted by: JAMMINJC

Re: What's the Verdict? - 02/21/03 03:39 PM

I have the latest 950 version and it has plenty of headroom in my rig. The loudest I have ever taken mine thus far is -18db and that was for a very short period of time, most of my listening is between -42db and
-32db which would be considered plenty loud by most people. I should point out that I have very efficient Klipsch speakers though.
Posted by: Thade

Re: What's the Verdict? - 02/21/03 04:13 PM

No volume controls/settings on my amps. Don't get me wrong, 00db is PLENTY loud. It just seems like the last unit was louder although my it was shaking my TV and exceeding the amps tolerance. It's more likely that the problem was with my old 950.

Posted by: HT crazed

Re: What's the Verdict? - 02/21/03 04:23 PM

I've had all 3 incarnations from the original to now the blue dot.

As far as difference in sound quality, the blue dot is better across the board with one major possible reservation. For 2 channel, the problem with squashing details, hardness in the mids, lack of soundstage and loss of recording ambience has all been very satisfactorily eliminated. I was really amazed.

My major reservation is that as with all new 950's mine sounds overly bright and fatiguing on the high end. All my others became very neutral sounding after burn-in. But so far I've had the blue dot in my system for 3 weeks of admittedly sporadic use and it still sounds very bright.

Fortunately several others with blue dot units commented that the burn in process did take longer than with previous 950's. And if it does, as I expect it will, the blue dot would be a very big upgrade in sound quality - especially in 2 channel.

I really stopped listening to music on my earlier 950, but even with its bright presentation I found the blue dot to actually be quite musical and involving in 2 channel (something I never thought I'd say). I actually spent time re-discovering some of my older recordings.

But I'm waiting for the burn in to be complete before I really spend much time with music on the blue dot. The brightness IS fatiguing for now.

[This message has been edited by HT crazed (edited February 21, 2003).]
Posted by: soundhound

Re: What's the Verdict? - 02/21/03 06:30 PM

Originally posted by HT crazed:

But I'm waiting for the burn in to be complete]

You might consider simply leaving your 950 powered up for a period of time. I generally leave a new component powered up continously for a couple weeks when new. This also will uncover any components that might be likely to fail inside the unit.

The Soundhound Theater