Uneven volume from different inputs

Posted by: Llamas

Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/19/03 10:16 AM

I've just started my evaluation period, and I am noticing some weirdness involving the input from the DirectTivo playing louder (~ 6dB) than the input from the DVD player. The DVD player is using a digital coax connection, and the DTivo is using an optical digital connection. This problem wasn't present on my Sony DA5ES.

Anyone else have this problem?


[This message has been edited by Llamas (edited February 19, 2003).]
Posted by: charlie

Re: Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/19/03 11:35 AM

My DirectTivo has a lot of variation that seems to stem from the presence or absence of DD availablity. I've set ti to prefer DD, and think that when DD is available the audio is a lot quieter, even when it's transmitted in DD 2.0.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's up. I'm using optical outs into a 1050.

[This message has been edited by charlie (edited February 19, 2003).]
Posted by: boblinds

Re: Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/19/03 11:48 AM

There is no audio consistency whatsoever among cable providers. In fact, levels will vary radically WITHIN a single telecast.

This isn't weirdness. This is reality. Well, I guess it's weird reality.
Posted by: Llamas

Re: Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/19/03 12:58 PM

I don't think that's it. I've noticed the uneven volume effect you're talking about (commercial volume being higher than that of the show, for instance), before, but I think this is different. I've never noticed a difference when changing from DirecTivo to DVD or back with my receiver, and I should have it were a typical programming issue.

I'll do some more empirical testing on this (switching back and forth with my receiver) when I get the chance.


Posted by: thigg

Re: Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/19/03 08:46 PM

i have a few variations among inputs...a few are independent so ya gotta set an input that's as close as...well, a standard, you make your own standard using the device (s) that are either the lowest or highest...usually the lowest (of course). as arlo guthrie once said "this is a drag...a drag for you .. and a drag for me...but somebody's gotta do it. using that 'lowest input' level; set anything you have that's got it's own level control to that..'level'..here's where that 'spl' meter comes in handy. there easy to master and cheap to buy...go to..rad shack...see 'Soundhound' elsewheres on these BB's for setup...it's also in the lil booklet ya get at RS for yer 39.95 or wutever. use it to read the average levels of similar programs at all the 'sources' you have...ok u r thru. dang i need to do that, too!
Posted by: thigg

Re: Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/19/03 08:53 PM

P.S. oh yeh..here's the real kicker...for really correct THX type listenin...use that slly lil meter to correctly set up alll your speakers for correct SPL output ...also,as before, see that SPL meter site...soundhound has it....jst click on to his site ...found elsewhere's also at one of these BB's
Posted by: soundhound

Re: Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/19/03 09:07 PM

Originally posted by thigg:
.... see that SPL meter site...soundhound has it....jst click on to his site ...

Huh? Do I have a SPL site? - musta done that after that pitcher of margaritas!

The Soundhound Theater

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited February 19, 2003).]
Posted by: Llamas

Re: Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/20/03 03:21 AM


Are the speaker level calibrations per input or global?

I did the calibration, first thing, and I don't recall making any big changes.

Posted by: soundhound

Re: Uneven volume from different inputs - 02/20/03 11:57 AM

The speaker calibrations are global.

The Soundhound Theater