Suggestion: Optional brushed aluminum faceplate?

Posted by: power

Suggestion: Optional brushed aluminum faceplate? - 02/15/03 03:55 AM

Hi everyone,

been awhile since i've posted here. Now i know i should ask Scott or Peter directly but as discussed before i was wondering if there were plans on a optional brushed aluminum faceplate VS the standard powdercoated one.

All my equipment is anodised so several months back the looks (in my opinion) and the higher noise floor forced the sale of my unit. I really do not plan on spending almost 2x the money for the AT just for cosmetic. Even if the Outlaws charged $50-$100 more for this option i would be all over it again.... a blue dot unit with anodised face would look and sound really good....Many have asked for this in the past but i'm asking now if this option "will be available" and "if it can be done".
Posted by: soundhound

Re: Suggestion: Optional brushed aluminum faceplate? - 02/15/03 12:59 PM

I imagine that it could be done to offer an aluminum faceplate model. This would certainly not be something that would be field replaceable by the end user: it's pretty hairy in there if you don't know what you're doing. It would probably not raise the cost to that of the AT clone, since the 950 has a different marketing model.
Posted by: Kevin C Brown

Re: Suggestion: Optional brushed aluminum faceplate? - 02/15/03 04:55 PM

And, it would be really cool if this could be "field retrofittable."

And I'd add options for a black power button, and a heavier duty black metal volume knob.

Ain't there no enterprisin' young uns out there who could develop an "aftermarket" package like this?

Or even Outlaw themselves?

Heck, cell phones have customizable appearances now...
Posted by: power

Re: Suggestion: Optional brushed aluminum faceplate? - 02/15/03 09:03 PM

i just concluded the recent retrofit project over at AVS forum. On the 950 there is a bevel at the top edge and the finish is powdercoated. I would like to see just a flat faceplate with the anodised finish. For the project, i did both and anodising and powdercoating with the later costing slightly more! I could do this but the silkscreening leaves a big question mark.

I wonder if Peter would swap an AT faceplate over the 950's faceplate The 950 i'm certain is retrofitable with the Sherbourn or AT faceplates but i doubt anyone would sell "just" the faceplate. I should call the Outlaws on this....

Basically i just really want the high end look. I respect Outlaws approach to a conservative look but brushed aluminum is in and this "look" is what is considered high end nowadays. Even cheaper receivers attempt to raise their appeal factor by offering a brushed face, don't see why the Outlaws can't. I could even help with this if asked to..... Here is an example of what was done with the Antec retrofit project. Instead of a cheap looking computer case with plastic face, the retrofit consisted of a brushed aluminum facia retrofited to a good quality case. Here is one of the configurations (my personal HTPC)

[This message has been edited by power (edited February 15, 2003).]