Standardizing volume across different inputs

Posted by: dblloyd

Standardizing volume across different inputs - 01/06/03 08:15 PM

Quick quesiton about something that I've found a little annoying: When I listen to my CD player, I typically set the 950's volume at -20db or so. When I use the 950 for TV, I need to set the volume at 0db, and then I use my TV's remote like normal (I have a RPTV and like to use the remote that came with it since it allows easier access to different menus, etc.).

The fact that I need very different volume settings on the 950 for different input devices causes two problems:

1) It's annoying to always have to set the volume for the particuar input I'm selecting.

2) Once in a while I'll forget to adjust the volume and, for example, switch from "TV mode" (0db) to a playing CD, and it wakes everyone up.

Is there a way to:

A) Trim the volume for each different input so that it standardizes to a particular level?

or nearly as good:

B) Set the initial volume for each particular input so that when you switch from one source to an another it automatically switches the 950 to that initial volume?

How do you folks handle this issue?
Posted by: soundhound

Re: Standardizing volume across different inputs - 01/06/03 08:21 PM

There's no individual input level control for the various inputs. Using the digital inputs whenever possible might equalize the levels somewhat, but going from or between analog inputs puts you at the mercy of the output level of the individual source components. I just put up with it, and try to anticipate the sources that are overly loud.
Posted by: Kevin C Brown

Re: Standardizing volume across different inputs - 01/06/03 08:48 PM

If the remote was a little bit more user friendly, you could maybe set up macros for when you switch, but I know you can't dial in an "absolute" volume setting, but you could try say 20 down volume arrow clicks followed by the source switch for a macro, but I still don't think that's programmable...
Posted by: dblloyd

Re: Standardizing volume across different inputs - 01/06/03 08:48 PM

Thanks for confirming what I suspected.

That would be my feedback to Outlaw then: Allow the ability to trim the volume for different inputs.

Love the 950, though.
Posted by: Will

Re: Standardizing volume across different inputs - 01/08/03 06:18 PM

The 950 is great, but far too many settings on it are global not local. Hopefully the next Outlaw pre/pro will have some local settings.

And it's too cumbersome on the 950 to trim the bass level. I always have to do this when switching from DD to DTS DVD's, and usually, when switching from CDs to DVDs.
Posted by: charlie

Re: Standardizing volume across different inputs - 01/08/03 07:15 PM

It's got a lot wrong with it, but at $900 it's got a lot right with it too.... great value IMO.
Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: Standardizing volume across different inputs - 01/08/03 08:20 PM

And it's too cumbersome on the 950 to trim the bass level.

I do it in less than 5 seconds. Doesn’t feel too cumbersome to me. Even though the remote does not have a dedicated Bass button. I don’t think I could get it done much faster than that. Maybe my fingers are limber-er than some?!
Posted by: Will

Re: Standardizing volume across different inputs - 01/08/03 09:45 PM

With the 950, it takes about 8 button clicks on the remote to get to where you need to be to START to trim the bass level. Every click has to get to the 950 or else you'll actually change something other than the bass level by accident. Or alternatively you can use the remote's macro feature. But even so, each click has to get to the 950 and the macro sequences take a lot of time to sequence, and macro leaves itself in a state where you can't subsequently change the trim level unless you clicked the AUD button before the macro click.

The unit I had before my 950 has a one button click on the remote to trim the bass level.

The 950's strong suit isn't its user interface.

[This message has been edited by Will (edited January 09, 2003).]