950 not loud enough

Posted by: Silverr1

950 not loud enough - 12/13/02 01:23 AM

I just got my 950 today and tried calibrating the channels with an SPL meter and could only get about 70db with the volume all the way up. Is anybody else seeing this?
Posted by: merc

Re: 950 not loud enough - 12/13/02 04:07 AM

What sources, speakers and amp(s) are you using?

Take Care,
Posted by: Haflerer

Re: 950 not loud enough - 12/13/02 10:49 AM

Not much in the way of answers here...but rather very similar concerns. I actually am purchasing this unit due to a similar problem with another component. I purchased a fairly bargain bin processor with volume in the Techniques SHC-500 hoping to use it as a preamp/processer and ran into the exact same problem. I was accustomed to using an Adcom preamp(555II)/Hafler XL280's (biamped) when the setup was purely stereo. I soon found that with every control at my dispossal absolutly cranked all the way up that I was only getting volume that would have equaled about 1/4 volume on the adcom preamp from the main speakers(the center boosted all the way to +12 was almost liveable and had to become the setting point for all other volumes to match). The result is that I had to put the adcom back in line with the mains (turned to 3/4 volume) as a sort of booster. After diggin into the specs I found that the adcom preamp could deliver a 10 volt(rms I think) output, where the Techniques topped out at around 1v. I think I also found that the hafler amp was looking for a 0-7v type of range as an input (dont quote me on this...but there was definatly a sizeable mismatch). So I went ahead and ordered a 950 even though it also gives a 1v max output rating...and I am just a bit worried. To add to my worries...I am running the Left,Right,and Center preamp outputs into Y adapters as I am using 3 two chanel Hafler XL280's biamped to power the F,L,C speakers (I'm asuming that the natural high input impedance of power amplifiers will make the y adapters a non issue). If anyone has experience with similar amplifiers...or has overcome a similar problem it would be nice to hear of.
Posted by: Scott

Re: 950 not loud enough - 12/13/02 11:45 AM

Hello Silverr1,

Have you adjusted the individual trim levels? Try running a test tone at 0 dB and use the left and right arrows on the remote to make level adjustments. If you've done this and it does not work give us a call at tech support and will get it figured out for you.

Posted by: soundhound

Re: 950 not loud enough - 12/13/02 01:02 PM

One thing to check before calibration. It is extremely important that the 950s master volume control be set at "00" reference level before any calibration. If it is not, these lack-of-drive capability problems can and will arise.
Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: 950 not loud enough - 12/13/02 05:16 PM

"It is extremely important that the 950s master volume control be set at "00" reference level before any calibration."

More than just me do this? Well, really THATS not what I did, but something close. My second calabration was in a hurry..once in speaker calibration I was using the higher up true 'volume' arrows on the remote to move my dB up and down....it moves it...but dosent remember it when you exit calabration......You have to use the left/right arrows around the main toggle area. I thought I had broke something ...it would not 'keep' my calabrations, (and I would not have even noticed after exit from calabration but went round the horn again. And they kept coming up diffrent from the meter. Finally realized I was using the wrong volume controls.