950 Case

Posted by: Matthew Hill

950 Case - 02/08/02 09:40 AM

Ever notice that the 950 case is mostly empty? It's got a single circuit board at the bottom, a few stacked vertically at the back, a power supply on one side... and then lots of air. I wonder why they didn't make it smaller? Why all the wasted space?
Posted by: gonk

Re: 950 Case - 02/08/02 09:52 AM

I'll offer a guess. Equipment racks dictate a certain width (~17"), so that dimension is fixed. The I/O on the back needs a certain amount of space, which drove the height (keeping in mind that they wanted to isolate the power supply, so they had to stop the "wall of I/O" at the barrier between the power supply and the unit's brains). The depth was likely determined in part by the size of the main circuit board -- it would seem preferable to keep everything possible on that one board that fills the bottom of most of the unit. The excess volume that ends up empty is sort of a direct result of that, and I don't know for sure but I think it may even be useful to have that air there to provide better ventilation to the components for cooling.

Of course, all of this may be my inherent desire to always have extra space in equipment (or, in my case, equipment rooms...). The need to squeeze components into a small space can produce some ingenious engineering, but usually it just ends up being ingenious compromises. Hullguy's done commercial construction -- I bet he's seen some mechanical or electrical rooms that should have been 50% larger.

Posted by: Slick1964

Re: 950 Case - 02/08/02 03:28 PM

As far as the 'mother board' is concerned, it is best to have certain minimum distance between certain components to prevent feed back and video interference. Signals at the bandwidth the 950 is capable of handling (we hope is capable of handling!) are very sensitive indeed!!!
Posted by: Matthew Hill

Re: 950 Case - 02/08/02 04:48 PM

Some designs may stack boards to achieve shorter signal path. It looks (from visual inspection) as though the 950 stacks boards only at the rear, to access the rear ports, and I guess the vertical board on the right is the tuner. It certainly appears as though all the processing hardware is on the bottommost board. I guess the signal paths were short enough for it to work with a large motherboard.