Ok.. here's something that I just noticed...

Today (or really recently) I've noticed a slight hum coming from my 755... I'm almost certain this is a new occurance... So I started turning off everything else in the house trying to figure out what's causing the hum... I decided to put it off until tomorrow since it's getting late... I turned off my 950 by hand and since my head was really close to my center speaker's tweeter I noticed that I can hear a local radio station for a few seconds while the amp is discharging....

So.. what could be acting like an antenna? The interconnects going into the 755 are shielded... It's running the center, surrounds and rear surrounds... the speaker cable going to the back speakers is all running up through the wall then down to the speakers... I'm kinda suspecting this is where it's coming from....

....is it possible this could cause the 755's hum?

And.. since I know someone is going to ask..

All the amps (sub included (and no, that's not causing the hum)) are running off a dedicated 15 amp line and breaker, plugged into a Tripp-Lite iso-Block (the one that mounts to the outlet) and then plugged into a standard 8 plug Tripp-Lite surge protector just for more plugs...

I think I may try plugging all the rest of the equip. into the dedicated line tomorrow and see if that changes anything...